"Cute" Player Icons

so we have this Cute XXXXX Player Icon Series and I believe the last Hero who got one was Moira.

Can we PLEASE have one for the other Heroes too? We are missing Bap, Brig, Ball, Sigma and Echo if I’m not mistaken.


Are you talking about the Competitive icons?

They’re talking about the profile icons that have each hero as a cute big head, released with the Blizzard World update a long time ago


Winki face icon basically?



I have got to see Bap and Sigma as cute icons.


talking about those :slight_smile:


This is my favourite dva icon but I can’t ever use it because the enemy team will just go zarya/sym/doom/moira to have a “bypass DM comp” or something like that :sob:


Wish they’d do more of these icons. I’d really like an Ashe one.

They could also make one for each hero with alternative skins, I’d love to see an Aviator Pharah. Some of us need more stuff to unlock so our lootboxes aren’t worth nothing.


If they have to choose 4 heroes just due to your one hero choice, that’s rather flattering. Don’t worry your teammates will help ya out :slight_smile:

Oh and I have the cute one but the officer one is better :slight_smile:

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Funny thing that they are suppose to be cute. I call them “angry icons” cause all of them look just angry.

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God I love those so much


Now that you have mentioned it they do look angry lol.

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some people look cuter when angry, and this applies to all the cute icons

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They don´t look cute to me, but that´s ok xD

I would love more of these personally.

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I need a cute Sigma icon rn

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My player icon is cute

Don’t forget those cute spray we got at the same time


We got cute Sprays around the same time? I’m having trouble remembering tbh

Yess omg!! I’ve wanted more of those icons for so long! It’s so annoying that they haven’t added ones for other heroes.

Imo those cute icons are probably the best ones of the heroes, i often end up using those ones if i want one of a specific hero. I almost NEVER touch the base ones. Because they’re almost kinda ugly :pensive::point_right:t3::point_left:t3:

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