Custom game text glitched for anyone else?

In my custom games, Some of the text appears glitched and impossible to make out. Has this been happening to anyone else? Do I need to reinstall? This wasn’t an issue a few days ago. Here’s what it looks like:

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Yes but it’s also happening to my health bar in actual games, I thought it was only me and I’ve been trying to find out why it’s happening.


I have this exact problem right now! Have you found a solution?

Same thing is happening to me. I deleted the game to see if that would help, and it did but when I exited the game and went back in it started happening again. I just hope Blizzard fixes this soon

It also happens to my scoreboard in games sometimes, it only goes away when I close the game. I’m on ps5 btw

Yes it’s constantly like that

This is a glitch with Overwatch itself, no reinstalling is gonna change a thing. I’m on PS4 and this will happen from time to time.

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