Custom game preset bug

I cant apply my presets. Theyre grey idk why. I worked on my mode like 1 year so I’m so sad. =c


so they still havent fixed all that yet xD

I had that problem in the morning. I forgot to create it so im doing this now.

well when anniversary started, everyone couldnt do some custom games settings… one being random hero setting because most players where glitched under floor. haha

My presets that worked -yesterday- before the patch are not working today.


yeah seems like there patching is breaking OW in some ways

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+1. Cusotm game presets that worked literally yesterday are greyed out now.


Posting here to bring notice to the issue. Lots of collective hours of rebalancing, tweaking, etc. have been lost since the update.


Blizzard please respond!

Still broken! Fix please!

I guess at this point, the most we can do is wait for the next round of fixes, since we know the recent patch broke a lot of things. But, it would be nice to told if or not this was being looked into, or not.

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there was a fix on ptr for custom games and players under floor glitch

if you check patch notes, its on there

Is that the cause of the saves being disabled? I’ve had no idea that was even a thing. I checked the patch notes. It specifically says deathmatch.

I have the same problem, they said it was only capture the flag but all my modes are elimination that suffer this problem??? :frowning:

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they probably know, probably trying to find cause of it

If this bug happened after Symmetra rework - i assume that Symmetra’s settings causing it. Did you guys also have Symmetra customized in your modes?

it happened after anniversary, not after the latest patch :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh. I didn’t play for a long time. Well this is really bad that Blizzard still didn’t fix it. I spent so many days to create my mod. So frustrating.

i know, me and my friends been holding off playing custom games because we like the random heroes settings but can’t play it because we get stuck in the floor

Depends on the save (obviously). Different saves have been locked up at different periods of time.