Custom game bug

There is a bug where bots you add will show in the lobby, but not in game. Also when that happens, you can’t start the gamemode. This has occured to me not once, but 3 times.

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The first is not a bug its a limitation, for some game modes like FFA, TDM and Elimination the AI Bots won’t just spawn cause they have no configurations and AI guidlines for these modes, but for modes like Payload, Hybrid and Control the default ones they should spawn as intended. The second issue when not coupled with the first one, depends on the Lobby settings how the game should start either automatically start immediately, when all Slots are filled (which will fail when you use game modes where you can’t use the AI and only wanna play with them for some reason) or manually ( means when you are in waiting phase, you need to press the Start Game button within the Lobby UI). Advise would be to check out anything mentioned first before considering i to be a bug. In your case you can start the game mode but without the AI by setting the Game Start option in Lobby settings to manually.


Yeah the lobby AI bots only work in certain modes
Using the Workshop you can spawn dummy bots tho with the Create Dummy Bot action

You can do that of course, you may wanna need to add pathfinding and behaviour to do something with them.

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