Curious about how others feel with Mystery Heroes

To be clear, not Mystery FFA… just the regular mode.

How do you guys, especially those who almost exclusively play that mode, manage to keep going despite getting pretty bad losses at times because players were being too cautious (e.g. they almost had their Ult and so didn’t engage in order not to die)?

It’s a mode I used to enjoy playing a lot in the past, but I think ever since the Moira-Doom-Brig additions I just couldn’t enjoy it anymore, so I stopped playing it. Tried to get back into it recently, but noticed some of the same problems as before, just now with scary situations, like two BOBs one after the other, or three Hammonds spinning and spinning. These are just some scenarios I’ve been in… obviously there are fun ones too, like when you get two bastions, a Mercy and an Orisa/Rein.

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best game mode and its not even close methinks…no meta…everyone is viable…no toxicity really…people generally play for fun…

1 eggregious design flaw though

but otherwise awesome mode


Not a big fan. I absolutely love Mystery Deathmatch, but I’m not crazy about Mystery Heroes.

Why? It always seems Offense favored. In the games that I’ve played, I usually win when I’m on offense, lose when I’m on Defense. I don’t like queuing into a game and having a pretty good feeling as to how it will go.

Still my fave mode. If the other team gets a composition that is hard to beat, i take it as a challenge. Never understood the whining about it.

I’m not really focused on the winning, tho that’s definitely bonus, because of all the variability. Anything can and does happen. If you let wins and losses get to your head in that mode, you’re gonna have a bad time.

It’s best to play each game out and enjoy the ride rather than the destination. Just revel in the ridiculousness of it all and find the hilarity in seeing 4 Tracers and 2 Symmetras running around trying not die.

Mystery Heroes is not a place for a competitive attitude. It’s a place for watching Genji mains fail at Pharah, while you yourself, a support main, fail miserably at Doomfist.

Its a place where you check your SR, toxicity, and metas at the door and just have a super happy silly fun time.


It’s fun. People don’t take it as seriously, and while there is a good chance your games can be decided by the RNG gods it doesn’t mean that individual skill can’t decide a game.


It usually have better comps than QP, also no one will blame you if you are doing bad with “x hero”.
It’s a great place to train, and also it’s hard to get stuck in a continuos loose streak.
It’s random, it’s casual play, it get you the boxes just by playing without much effort.

If you rage playing mistery heroes, that’s on you.

It only really gets frustrating when the enemy team comp gets crazy, like 2 bastions 2 orisas while my team is getting random heroes that aren’t able to counter that really. One other thing that sometimes frustrates me is that a lot of the time there’s no healers on the team and I just feel kinda helpless because since there’s no healer, everyone on my team is relying on health packs and there’s not really enough to go around for everyone lol I end up walking around with like 40 health searching for a usable health pack across the end of the map or just straight up walk back to spawn lol


I tell the “winners” they’re bad…because they are, spamming “gg” sometimes before the end of the match.

Conversely, when the team I’m on wins, I make sure to give back what I’ve been given far far too many times in the years I’ve played the game.

Fun is a zero-sum game.

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Best mode it does make me tilt aometime when thez get double orisa + bastion otherwise is hmjust fun mode
Mystery ffa i hate

I enjoy it as my favorite arcade mode along with lucio ball and FFA. I like playing as random heroes I might not be very good at. Then get roadhog or hamster and just dominate everything lol

I never play arcade for lootboxes because I am a whale. :whale:

Garbage, to be honest.

I have never been a fan. It doesn’t feel to based around skill, rather, who gets a better comp.

That being said, I play every hero except for about five, and four of them have my highest MH playtime.


Yes!!! I can’t believe some people are asking for Lucioball to be removed from Summer Games.

This is something I’ve made peace with. I have also noticed since a long time ago (on my main), that I would often get the heroes I play least in QP/Comp when it came to Mystery Heroes. For example, I play Hanzo a lot, yet my MH time with him is one of the lowest. I rarely play Winston, yet he is one of the highest for me in MH. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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Well life itself is very random.
Some people doesnt like it but many accepts the fact and ride on

I gave that mode a few tries. No healer with 4 tanks or 4 healers and no tank or just terrible terrible comps happen a lot. And it wouldn’t be that much of a problem on its own. But one team having a decent RNG and the other a complete mess happens quite often.

Not even a remotely fun mode for me at least.

I play this mode almost exclusively. Yes, it can be frustrating, but at times that frustrations makes the game exciting. It is about RNG and peoples skill with the heroes they get. I will take someone who knows the basics on any hero over someone who has no clue how to turn bastion into turret mode. I do find it more important to protect your healers than in QP, people forget that. It is also more important that if someone get “stuck” with a character they aren’t good with, to stay in your role (be it healer, tank, or dps).