CS bans unranked to GM

If they see someone climbing way too fast like 80% above they put a 14 day cooldown before they can play comp again, this discourages people from doing unranked to global elite often.

They don’t gift these people GM on new account in 6 hrs

Why can’t overwatch do the same


Agree. It’s completely unnecessary and is degenerate behavior that messes with the matchmaker, not to mention the possibility of account selling (which is literally against blizzard TOS).

If they tell Blizzard they’re doing it beforehand and then null the matches they were in after, that would actually be totally fine, the way some chess users do it on that chess website for example.


Because Overwatch devs are incompetent?


bruh ur name is literally adolfhealer you definitely just got banned like two days ago and are now defending this


because their is a functional reason to have a fresh account.

if someone is plat, then realistically they dont need to make another account to learn a new hero because plat is a very easy skill level to reach even on a hero you are bad on (thats literally why they are in plat)

but if you take someone thats masters or gm and ask them to do the same, then we get reported for throwing on our main because we are noticeably bad at the hero, so people assume we are intentionally throwing.

so to avoid this we make alts to climb on those heroes to prove we can play them on our main without throwing matches.

now, should content creators be aloud to do unranked to gm’s for money? thats debatable

i can see good arguments for both sides, but at the end of the day overwatch isnt CS. its a hero based game and sometimes your not going to be as good on a hero you want to learn as you are on your mains

so you either hardlock the hero on your main and effectively throw doing so, then get reported, or you make an alt and practice it that way so you can properly one trick the hero to learn it.


How do you “lose” your main account? Like whoops it fell out of my pocket? It’s hiding with the left sock in the laundry?

Small violin sounds for people circumnavigating bans

As a “normal” player such a thing would never be a problem in the first place then


Then the system wouldn’t flag you because you’re not rising too quickly… so you didn’t read it properly.


their is an argument to be made that someone could come from cs/valo and lock hitscan and climb on their first account a lil too fast.

sure they might not hit GM, but they could probably hit high diamond or low master’s off just raw mechanical skill and positioning/awareness and such.

hitscan is easy enough to climb on that you barely need to know the game to do it.

oh no i read it properly you didnt read mine.

i never said we’d be bad doing it, its not always going to be a slow climb. its done to PROVE we can do it so that we dont risk throwing on our mains.

as a hitscan if you put me on echo im basically throwing even in a plat lobby but if you put me on torb i can easily carry my way into diamond with a 90%+ winrate.

on one hero it would take me hundreds of hours to climb back into master’s and on the other i probably could do it fast enough it would be triggered by such a system.

Or just try it on your main for a few games. It’s not going to kill you.

Id object to this. Quite a lot in fact. We have on numerous occasions seen players who are known to be good at other games (Cs, val, whatever typical shooters) come to overwatch and get completely stomped while they learn the maps and countless complex hero abilities / interactions.

Many of us who have been here for years take it for granted, but overwatch is not an easy game to pick up.


you can win a few games out luck, thats why you climb up to prove you actually belong on that hero.

you dont belong in a rank simply cuz you can run around and not lose, you belong in a rank when you can climb too it at will.

thats why you make alts to prove it, so we dont walk around with undeserved arrogance that you typically see from boosted players.

never forget shroud hard carried a bunch of his friend to the point he was in diamond, most of his friends were bad.

imagine what would of happened if he had exclusively solo queued

plenty of high ranked people from other games come into overwatch and they burn through the early ranks like a smurf would because its not hard to outplay a gold or plat

it can be difficult to hit gm, maybe even master’s. but you are overselling what it takes to do so on a hitscan hero

climbing to masters is only hard if you main a hard hero

Genuinely think this would be far, far less of a problem than youre painting it to be.


Speaking of account selling, blizz should probs do a better job cracking down on that. I recall seeing someone buying an account on stream as if it was nothing

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I myself had actually gotten put on cooldown from comp funnily when I played cs go cause , I had earlier played cs 1.6 so I was doing well.

But it is necessary as it solves many problems like boosting, that 14 day gap meant it knows it’s me who is playing well and I’m not boostingy account etc.

This means high elo players don’t get boosted players ruining their experience

A GM account worth over 100 USD on the black market. I think a few UR2GM streamers are selling the boosted accounts for real money or someone is paying them for boosting.


Counter strike doesn’t do this, rofl

It doesn’t do that, I don’t know why this kid is making that up

The problem with this is that at any point while you “learn” your new hero you can swap to your main effectively smurfing.

it certainly does.


I’m not watching that video, but I will look up the rules for you

Competitive cooldowns:

  • [Why are Competitive cooldowns issued?]
    • [Failing to stay connected to the server]
    • [Kicking too many teammates]
    • [Being kicked from too many matches]
    • [Abandoning matches]
    • [Being AFK or not participating in matches]
    • [Receiving too many in-game reports for griefing]


don’t post when you don’t know what you are talking about

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OW can’t even detect them fast enough before they get back to their rank.

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