Crusader Offline


  • The Overwatch forum favors people who harass others and will silence anyone who fights for a safe, clean, and friendly community.
  • They are clearly not interested in Reinhardt’s bugs; they’ve even lied in a set of patch notes about fixing them.
  • The MMR system could be worse, but a forced 50% win rate certainly exists, especially by giving people teammates that the system knows will refuse to cooperate.

I’ve been suspended an entire month (only once) for flagging an abusive and cruel post. I quit Overwatch back then, but came back after a month or two.

That aside, I’ve been suspended four times other than that (five times in total) for being the middleman/peacemaker in fights, telling people to not harass each other on the forum, and derailing hate threads. One instance was even for trying to calm someone down when they made death threats.

I won’t say names, but several of my crusader friends have suffered silences and suspensions for the same reasons.

Clearly enough, Blizzard hates the idea of us forum goers fighting for a clean community.

I know it’s against the code of conduct to talk about the actions taken against one’s profile, but screw it. I’m not coming back. As long as word gets out about this atrocity, that’s fine by me.

Side note - as an ex-Reinhardt main, I’m also tired of the bugs. I don’t know if Blizzard is actually working on them or not. It’s been more than a year since they started popping up everywhere, and they even lied about fixing the bugs in a set of patch notes back in April. I get that programming can be hard, especially when treading new virtual water, but you could be open and honest about it, y’know? You’re not going to irritate people by saying “we don’t know what we’re doing, but we’re trying to figure it out!”

“We fixed the bugs!”
[bugs worse than ever]
This will irritate people.

I’ve said this so many times on the forum, and I hate to say that this is my last time, but it is.

In season 8, I was given teammates in the queue who were rather underwhelming in skill, but they were cooperative; they stayed on the right side of the barrier and never trickled. I had an 80% win rate in competitive as Reinhardt despite his bugs and the onslaught of dive meta at that time. The system didn’t like that. At first, the opponents got a little harder, but my team stayed with me and I kept winning.

The system didn’t like that, either. I started getting negligent, trickling teammates. Lo and behold, six days of consistent queues with nobody who groups up, my win rate went to 30%.

I understand that playing an effective DPS role is the most efficient way to rank up, but I don’t care too much about rank. I just wanna play hard against people on my level, and thanks to the system refusing to let me escape the range where abandoning your team is so popular, I don’t get to.

It’s been an honor knowing and playing with some of you, but Blizzard has proven to be cruel and sadistic, and I’m going to firmly (but sorrowfully) say I’m done and I will miss all of you. :disappointed:

Most of you. :neutral_face:

For those who want it, here’s my discord tag.


Tell me about it. I just got banned 1 week in-game for literally quoting a twitch streamer here on the forum. I said word for word what she said (no bad words or harassment.) And Blizzard sends me this “this post was confirmed to be in poor taste, and unfairly negative towards another member of the community”

I just said what she said and I get banned? While she just got a good lukretive possition with Blizzard. Funny how that works.

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One of my “harassment” posts was:
“You do you, but if it’s stuff that bothers other people, you probably shouldn’t post it all over the place. There are other communities that welcome it.”

Some fella called me a few playground-insult names and I’m the one who was suspended. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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That sucks man. Blizzard removing the dislike button was the worst thing to happen to the forum. Not only did it increase the amount of bait posts but the number of false reports are out of control. I used to love going to the forum but now Im always scared that I will get my acount suspended for no reason other than a few people disagree with me.


Indeed. I don’t think it’s just from system bans based on a set number of flags, though. I mentioned before that one of my suspensions was for trying to calm a guy down before and after he made some death threats. People were giving my posts respect and appreciation with those hearts and such, and I wasn’t saying anything improper or insulting, so what gives? :disappointed:

Was the guy throwing death threats on the forum mod team or something?

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This is awful, you were one of the very few who offered constructive critique. I’d say dont go but honestly if they did to me what they did to you I’d leave too.


I only really play Overwatch if friends want to, so I play it rarely. I just don’t care about rank, cause of what you listed and my personal problems with the community.

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I have to say that among communities I’ve been a part of, this one is really fantastic. Sure, there are scumbags and jerks here and there, but it’s actually not the majority with this game. Well, at least on the forum.

Also, @Junkhog, thanks a bunch. I hate to go, too. Overwatch has such fantastic, unique, and fresh concepts, along with what I just said about having a decent community. It’s shocking that the developers, of all contributing factors, would be the biggest problem.

I went as far as uninstalling battlenet, but I should probably get that back up because there are people on it I’d like to talk or play with outside of Overwatch. I’m definitely not installing the game again anytime soon, though.


I secretly really liked reading your posts and I really like your username. You will be missed.


I was honestly expecting to see a lot of “nobody cares” posts, but I suppose I still have a lot to learn about social interactions (I grew up very abnormally).

On that note, though, I’ll include my discord tag in the original post.

Same here

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First off, you win “Best Name I’ve Seen Today”.

Second, I get suspended on these forums every time I criticize Blizzard, so I’ve just sort of given up on caring.

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the problem they are not allowing any type of negativity…
you will get banned for it, no matter what.

its a battle thats not worth it…

if they dont like your post, you get a ban.

It’s definitely not negativity they’re opposed to. People are allowed to complain all day long about how the only character they play as doesn’t dominate all other characters. I mentioned in a smaller post on this thread that one person threw insults at me after I mentioned keeping disturbing things off the forum, and he didn’t get a suspension, but I did.

I’m also amazed this thread hasn’t been destroyed yet. Still, as long as word gets out and people care, I’m glad.

I’m not sure if you ever even showed up there, but the Overmoji Cafe has moved to Discord .

We can invite you if you’d like.

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Unless you’re a top ranked competitive player, you have performance based MMR and probably arent playing with the best of the best.

The game isn’t forcing you to lose, you’re just in games that the game thinks is as close to a 50% chance of winning as possible. With 50% odds, in an environment where you’re not climbing due to your performance, you’ll naturally expect streaks of well performing teams and streaks of underperforming teams.

Hello again, astro!
I’d actually rather not join that. I like to maintain the smallest number of groups possible, and I’m already in three - two of which, I basically ignore. :confused:

Your right man, your very right.

If you need anything just ask👍

I wouldn’t mind a winning lottery ticket if you’ve got one. :rofl:

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I wish, lol😂

I would normally ask you to stay, but at the same time, I also think you should go, it would be better for you.

I don’t know how much longer I have in me either😓

Stay awesome man, you are epic as hec

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