Crusader OFFLINE! (The story of how Reinhardt's Shield was chipped away)

seriously my dude? (hi again)
He is used as the main tank for Kings Row, Hollywood and some 2CP maps in ladder right now.

He is still strong.


The spread decreases in general make it so Rein has to use his shield more often, whittling it down because you have so many highly accurate heroes. Before you could drop your shield and let others take a little chip damage, which helped charge support ults. Now, you drop your shield wrong and the squishies get melted from a mile away


I couldn’t disagree more. I always liked to have a Rein in my team and i still do. It always felt as a strong pick.

There are clearly some bad map and sides to pick Orisa and bad to pick Rein.

I find Rein to be the anchor tank more suitable for attacking and Orisa the anchor tank more suitable for defending.

There are a few situation though when the reverse is true.

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You don’t even play Reinhardt…
I guess my 300+ hours on him means nothing.


Even Reinhardt himself is a pretty solid target. Spread buffs in general are incredibly minor nerfs to him compared to slimmer targets.

I definitely agree that Reinhardt has suffered due to power-creep, but heroes getting spread buffs is the least of his concerns.

I guess my countless hours with him on my team and against him are as meaningless as yours right?

Almost, I appreciate you stopping by and giving your input, but you are far from an authority on Reinhardt if you don’t even play him. I mean you’ve barely even touched him.


There shouldn’t be any authority and hours does not disregards any opinion i may have for any hero.

I respect your opinion, but I do think it’s limited.


Still going to have to disagree that Reinhardt needs any sort of buffs. He’s just been taken out of the meta due to lack of a team comp that is effective enough against his counters and plays to his strengths.

Good thing is though if all goes according to plan Reinhardt should see a lot more play in professional play when Brigitte is officially added to the roster. She really compliments him well since she has a habit of tending to those pesky backliners that can really mess up his day. Her Inspire and Rally abilities also play well to the idea of Reinhardt being an anchor tank and the barrier lets her use Whip Shot to poke and activate inspire without putting herself at any real danger. Oh and that Repair Pack is an absolute life-saver.

Reinhardt works best with deathball compositions which haven’t seen all that much competitive play and by extension neither has Reinhardt. Another thing about Brigitte is that because she excels against the main heroes of the dive comp that’s going to see less play and since she works well with deathball herself, that comp might see the light of day and therefore by extension, so will Reinhardt. (Going even further this might mean Doomfist gets a time to shine since he counters both!)

To summarize, I wouldn’t buff Reinhardt, Brigitte is exactly the hero needed to switch things up and let him have a place. I would change something about him though. There’s a combo with Reinhardt, particularly that of his Ultimate and the rest of his abilities. You can Earthshatter (50) Fire Strike (100) and then Charge (50) into a crowd in order to take out a large group of enemies should they all be lined up. Were they not lined up you can simply just perform 2 hammer swings and any 200 health heroes would be dead. I’d like it if Charge instead of dealing 0 damage on pin, now deals 50 and it’s wall collision damage is reduced from 300 to 250 to compensate.

And yours could be biased, so limited in another aspect.

Also, my third most played hero is Ana. 2/3 thirds of the time playing Ana was with a Rein in my team. I can have a not so limited opinion about him in this case.

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Reinhardt probably won’t see much more play even in comps that favour him. Even if death ball vs death ball became the standard play.

Brigitte is just too good at stopping what Reinhardt wants todo. A single shield bash could very easily turn fights. Something that won’t happen as much with Orisa.


I’m a tank main. I play ALL the tanks, I know where they all fit and how they all feel. Also, sorry about Ana. I talk about Reinhardt being Overshadowed, Ana is completely overshadowed by Moira in every way. It’s far worse than Reinhardt’s situation. (not that I want Moira nerfed, I just want Ana brought up to her level).


I’ve pretty much been playing him since day 1 as well and I’ll just say this… The only reason I don’t play Orisa more than Rein is because of his ult. If it wasn’t for earthshatter, I would have swapped to Orisa permanently, months ago. As it stands though, despite how buggy his ult is, it’s still very good for crowd control (when it works anyway). I’ve gotten out of many tight situations with a well placed earthshatter and even if I wasn’t able to clean them up, my teammates were given the opportunity to do so.

Meanwhile, whenever I use Orisa’s ult, someone usually just comes from behind the shield to destroy it within a couple of seconds, so I don’t get to see much value out of it.

As a reinhardt player since launch (from xbox to now pc), I agree he needs a little help. Especially in the shield regen. Orisa feels she outclasses him for most things, however he still has punch-through damage (fire strike), a wider shield, and cc (ult and charge). A small buff to the cd for his shield to start regenerating would be nice


I feel that even when you’re playing to his strengths, he’s just not as good as the other tanks. The thread title aside, power-creep on the other tanks, especially Orisa, diminished him far more than power-creep on the DPS making his shield melt faster.

Personally I’d leave his shield untouched outside maybe either faster regen, or a shorter delay on regeneration, and instead I’d look at the rest of his kit. IMO, the bigger issue with Reinhardt is simply how clunky his kit is compared to his tank counterparts. Charge especially is in desperate need of polish.



i fear the Brigitte release

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I play against all the tanks. I know aswell where they could fit and how the team can feel about a certain tank choice.
I don’t think he is overshadowed and this is an exaggeration.

I’ve already talked to GM tank players on my friends list. They told me not much will change. Orisa will still be picked. You will see Reinhardt for his niche maps, but even those have the potential to now have Orisa on them (looking at King’s Row).

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One huge change they need to make for his charge would be to allow the player to stop it. I can’t tell you how many times I pushed left shift and was left having to commit to a charge that I didn’t even want to do (not because it wasn’t the best idea at the time, but because it wasn’t necessary any more). Meanwhile, I just charged deep into enemy territory now, even after we won the engagement, and I’m left to die (or put my healer(s) in harms way because they follow me to keep me alive) because I have no means of getting back to my team (since I just used charge).

It needs to work like D.Va’s thrusters so I can just push left shift again to cancel the thruster on his back. I’m not saying I want the kind of control that D.Va has or anything crazy like that. I just want the ability to be able to stop my charge if necessary in order to avoid dangerous situations. The biggest problem with it right now is that it’s basically a “balls to the wall” move and you have to go all in.

If you pin someone and kill them, great. You could still die due to the recovery frames, but great. If you miss, then you’re pretty much screwed. I just don’t like having such a risky move, especially when the risk outweighs the reward (mainly just pointing out the fact that I can die even if I pull off a good pin).