Crusader OFFLINE! (The story of how Reinhardt's Shield was chipped away)

Without a doubt. In terms of ‘shield regeneration’ I think Orisa beats him by far because she gets a full shield after a specific cooldown while Reinhardt needs to wait for the regeneration to start, it doesn’t start instantly.

To me, it feels that Orisa can have a full barrier faster than Reinhardt, despite if he is the one with the 2k shield. At the very least, he has no ability to make him take less damage while waiting for the shield to come back.



i hope he will get some love from the dev team …but i doubt it sadly


While I don’t have the link, one of the Devs did say Reinhardt was fine / balanced in the last couple months.
However, I agree he does need a bit of love. With most DPS heroes being picked are flankers, the useful-ness of Reins shield has gone down a bit too. As Genji’s and Tracers are often in the back lines anyway, which makes Winson more appealing as well.


A distinctly remember a blue post saying they are going to fix earth shatter in a month or so.
Why the amount of time-Dunno?

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The original post wasn’t really about earthshatter at all. It was about how chronologically the power-creep and changes in the game have not been favorable to Reinhardt’s kit (his shield). At all.


Found it-Someone made a thread asking about riens earth shatter being bugged.


Again, see the post above. I’m sorry, I want to keep this on thread topic.


I know, but he mentioned bugs, so i thought i would pop this here-as for power creep-thats entirely down to strategies in game and how the developers balance around MC hammer.

Rein HIMSELF is fine.

The changes and the situation they created made Rein less popular. This essentially happens and has happened for every hero. There is nothing wrong with Rein.


He’s a good tank. There are so many barriers in the game right now (Orisa, Reinhardt, Symm, Brigitte, Winston) that buffing Rein’s specifically is not necessary. What good would it do apart from making Rein a must pick again ? It’s the devs intention to make all heroes viable in certain situations, but not all. Apart from Tracer, of course, who cannot be touched and can be played on whatever map you wish.

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I can’t keep arguing this. I clearly spoon fed every power creep update word for word and how it directly effects his defesive kit (his shield I even listed it chronologically to make it easier for everyone to understand) which, if you haven’t realized, his shield is HIM! Reinhardt is his shield. His shield is Reinhardt. His popularity is a direct result of his dwindling kit.

You don’t have to change a hero for them to suffer. They can be indirectly damaged by a power creep, and that is what we have. Go back and read my original post, specifically the #1 #2 and #3 reasons for this direct impact.


I feel it’s a bit dishonest to say that spread decreases hurt Reinhardt. Sure they don’t help him, but with the size of his shield…they’re pretty minor nerfs.

Not that I disagree that the general DPS power-creep has hurt him of course, just things like Roadhogs change (which was a net DPS loss when you factor in reloading) and spread increases are at worse neutral, and at best, nerfs against his shield.

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I think Rein is not in a terrible spot but I agree that his shield up-time needs some work.

I was wondering it a constant recovery rate of the shield (regardless if he uses it or not) could help that.
The shield break would than be the situation to avoid, since that actually disables his shield for a moment.


I understood exactly what you are saying.

Your favourite hero may not be the best pick for as many situations as it was before. Like i said, this is a thing that happened for many heroes. I don’t want to see him buffed directly.

If for example Ana is going to be buffed, its an indirect buff for Rein i would say. Rein, the way he works right now, is completely fine. The current situation may not favour him now, but this is not necessarily a bad thing with the hero himself.

The current situation hasn’t favored him since March 21st, 2017.

And are you forgetting? It’s not like we have a bunch of Anchor tanks in this hero roster. We have 2… TWO! We can’t balance these two to both be viable anchor tanks? Com’on man, that’s just weak if that’s the case.


seriously my dude? (hi again)
He is used as the main tank for Kings Row, Hollywood and some 2CP maps in ladder right now.

He is still strong.


The spread decreases in general make it so Rein has to use his shield more often, whittling it down because you have so many highly accurate heroes. Before you could drop your shield and let others take a little chip damage, which helped charge support ults. Now, you drop your shield wrong and the squishies get melted from a mile away


I couldn’t disagree more. I always liked to have a Rein in my team and i still do. It always felt as a strong pick.

There are clearly some bad map and sides to pick Orisa and bad to pick Rein.

I find Rein to be the anchor tank more suitable for attacking and Orisa the anchor tank more suitable for defending.

There are a few situation though when the reverse is true.

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You don’t even play Reinhardt…
I guess my 300+ hours on him means nothing.


Even Reinhardt himself is a pretty solid target. Spread buffs in general are incredibly minor nerfs to him compared to slimmer targets.

I definitely agree that Reinhardt has suffered due to power-creep, but heroes getting spread buffs is the least of his concerns.