Crossplay = No Comp play

Well - that’s two comp matches in a row that jerks decide to “not play” because they don’t support the cross play being done. Kinda dumb when I lose points because two people on my team decide to do nothing, both being healers in this last match. I of course reported the players, but who knows if anything will be done - why can’t people just not play of they have an issue with it and not ruin it for everyone else?


That sucks that nobody reads the full thing on crossplay.

I had a lot of good games today. win and loss.


They dont care about cross play. Its just lame excuse for deranking…


Pretty sure cross play is only used in quickplay. Like it doesnt even effect comp pc


Does crossplay comp exist on consoles in the sense that all consoles are in one competitive pool minus PC players?

Cross play is only in QP/Arcade and not in Competitive.

No. Competitive is platform exclusive only. The way it always was, only QP/Arcade has cross play.

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There is no crossplay in comp…For PC at least

I think you read that wrong. Cross-Console is competitive. Or maybe I read it wrong a couple of times. But that’s the way I understand it.

No PC on console competitive and no Console on PC competitive. (for now)

This is not correct, if you are on console, all console platforms will still play Competitive in cross-play. It’s only that there cannot be any PC/Console mixed groups in Competitive.


You are ALL wrong. READ between the lines. Person is upset about the links between various SERVERS that are connected in playing comp, as a RESULT of crossplay patch. Competetive is completely busted with the merge of servers, you are left with to play COMP alongside players from PC all OVER the country, and ping that comes with it!

You can tell when you have xplay people in a match as they have the X symbol beside their name in the player menu ( P key ).

Tell them to stop being stupid.

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