Crossplay is dope!

This is a dope feature for Overwatch! Console/ PC play isn’t coming to competitive, and aim assist will be disabled for console players in PC lobbies. It’s just a fun way to play with friends who may be on another platform!

As a PS4 player, I’m jus hyped that I get to play competitive w/ my dawgs on Xbox (next season). Please y’all let’s not be too critical of something that’s gonna have a positive impact on the OW community.

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am I missing something here?
oh I found it

It’s a negative for the PC OW community that do not have console player friends. I’m sorry, but console players without aim assist are at a clear disadvantage, and it’s a shame I can be forced to party with them.


Dope for anyone but the PC players.


Looks like I’ll be force to sweat in comp and never play arcade or QP again… :weary: :sob:

At least it’s a huge buff to custom games tho…

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You just need console friends :smiley:

THough the ones I had quit overwatch lol

Lol… Yeah, sorry about that. Trust me, I don’t want to have my precious assistance of aim taken from me either.

I might need to turn it off to start practicing. Idk…

What concerns do you have as a PC player? Won’t MMR naturally push the console players struggling to aim w/o aim assist to the bottom? And you won’t even have to worry about it in competitive


to all the xbox forumers I’ve playfully ribbed over the years- I WILL see you in the PIT.

Im only cautiously optmisitic if they’re already changing how the console engine handles for PC lobbies that they might, FINALLY ungimp console players turn speeds. But even the thought of that? (chefs kiss).

(Honestly though, and I’m only ribbing here, I think the pc players are scared that we can do better circles than they can because we’re on joysticks and they’re locked to 8 directions…I jest though).