Criticism Over the Balance Philosophy

you all didn"t figure it out yet ? overwatch is going back to its roots project titan rings a bell? no longer fps more and more moba

I am not so sure that it is the balance philosophy so much as hybrid style heroes just bring to much to the table in these types of games. If you look at the track record of hybrid heroes it is not good. The pattern is super strong then super weak then, or vice versa, then maybe okay depending on the situation.

Zen - had discord nerfed shortly after launch.
Sym - total rework. Getting a 2nd now.
Ana - Weak at release, Super strong (triple tank meta), and now super weak again.
Hog - Super strong, Hook rework starts and hog is weak, now he is playable.
Moira - Orb rework, strong (maybe) there is still a lot of conversation about whether she is balanced or overtuned.
Brigitte - strong on release, first nerf before even in comp. Community is still debating whether another nerf is needed to cd timer.
Dva - DM reworks, heath/armor reworks, ability reworks, and ability nerfs.

Hybrids seem to cause many issues in the game, but again I dont think it is the balance team. I think it seems to just be part of the ability based shooter genre.

No, it’s the direction, or lack there of…

They change WHO they balance after every patch, sometimes they look at low elo, then high elo, or even pros… But never in the same place (Which they should)