*Cries in Soldier Main*

If blizz hadn’t of buffed mcree, soldier would have most likely been played more.

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I think they should try out a “Focus Fire” passive; an incremental damage boost against a singular target, to boost his effectiveness against Heftier Heroes, Barriers, and Heal-Stacking, without really affecting his output against lighter targets.

It would also help balance the damage gap between using Tactical Visor and just going for Critical Damage in the same situations.

Also let him throw Biotic Field. (and get kills with it.)


i mean mcree didnt really need that many buffs at that time, heroes like hanzo were taking his spot but still like if you play soldier now , its considered throwing lol


He’s usually behind, but not by very far.

Right now he’s kind of unusually crappy because of barriers all over. In a new meta without barriers all over, he’ll still just be meh, but that’s probably where he’ll always stay. His design is a damage character who’s just all-around decent. In general, that would mean he’s fine to pick on ladder, but rarely the most optimal pick for any specific situation, because there’s probably another character who’s a little more specialized to that situation.

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Instead of that passive i would give him one that makes him do more dmg to shields like idk double dmg for hitting barriers cause right now hes just a no go

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cries in pharah :sob:

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Allow him to reload faster when sprinting.


The “running” buff needs to happen regardless of where he’s at in the game, the increase in mag size however doesn’t.

I will continue to sing it till the cows come home but, :musical_note: heroes that aren’t in the meta shouldn’t be buffed to compensate for the lack of use :musical_note:

We don’t need anymore powercreep in the game, soldier as he stands is in a better spot than when he was actually considered OP. The meta is determining his usefulness, not the (perceived lack of) strength of his kit.

I get that it sucks having a main that isn’t viable, trust me been there and still there lol.

Powercreep won’t make this game better.

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As much as i love soldier, i dont think him being meta in pro play would be entertaining outside of a few maps. However in his current state he isn’t really playable in ranked. He’s just that useless. Though like i said in my post before, it isn’t that he needs buffs or anything, they need to tone down the power creep in tank/support category and a few DPS like mei reaper doom.

well hello pyro, this is awkward. it’s vahe or barcode or whatever from edgefam lmao.

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There’s such a thing as Soldier mains???

Who knew

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the thing about that is blizz always over nerfs while buffing others. whats the point in nerfing them to the point of being not picked at all, while at the same time buffing others. just nerf and not buff others

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In what universe is buffing a character ever considered slowing down power creep?

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Soldier has been unviable for TWO. DAMN. YEARS. BLIZZARD PLEASE NERF WIDOW


I just want him to be able to reload while sprinting. I wouldn’t be opposed to a magazine size increase, though.


I’d rather they modify one of his existing Abilities, tbh. Not with a killer Biotic Field, though.

Sigma and Orisa got some Barrier nerfs. Might be a good time for hitscan Heroes to make a comeback. And yeah, his flexibility is both his greatest strength and weakness. But I’d rather have a flexible Hero than a specific-niche Hero any day.

Pharah could use some work too.

Eh, he already reloads faster with Tactical Visor. If that were the case, he’d reload a bit slower during Tactical Visor to compensate.

Right, the Sprint + reload buff is more of a QoL-buff than a straight-up buff, like how Orisa could throw her Barrier while firing/reloading(?)

Hey Vaheris. What brings you over here to the Forums and how did you find me?

Y e s s i r .


I’ll give you reload while sprinting and 30 ammo capacity. DAS IT, final offer


Soldier is well balanced; he isn’t picked because he is terrible against barriers, and barriers are dominant right now. So the balance changes are meant to weaken barriers, so other heros have their chance to shine. Just buffing heros that are otherwise fine but terrible against that meta is what causes power-creep in the first place.

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And again, nerfing half the cast simply wont happen. SoLdIeR iS bAlAnCeD is a stupid thing to say if at the same time youre saying everything else is too strong.
Lets say soldier powerlvl is 7000
Everyone else has a powerlvl over 9000
Comparing them and saying soldier is balanced is just false. You can say you enjoy fights with around 7000 powerlvl more than ones over 9000 and therefore you would prefer for everyone else to come down. But thats not going to happen with blizzard.

And its not the meta. This particular meta just got him into absolute trash tier where he was “just” trash tier in every meta before. Previously you would put a lot of effort in and get a little bit of value. Now you put a lot of effort in and get no value. Balanced would be putting in effort and getting value out. Allrounders should not be niche heroes, there should be specialists who do especially well in the meta above him, but other specialists weak to the meta should not do a lot better in it than him.

Right now were forcing dive with various buffs, the meta he would do the best because he could actually shoot something thats not shields. (And given that soldier is, by design, weak to dive, its weird to say that soldier does best in dive) Yet he wont be as good as he used to be against it because nearly all dive heroes get buffs.

The people saying soldier is balanced also said soldier was balanced before he got a gazillion small buffs and were later complaining that he is too strong. Yet he is consistently getting worse and the people saying he is too strong are now saying he is balanced again.

If we nerf basicly every other hero in the game, fine, he doesnt need buffs, but that wont happen. Even if the dev team secretly wanted to completly overhaul the game, it wouldnt happen.

  1. They are money-bound, rebalancing the entire games costs way more than you might think.
  2. Making a 180 turn and going from buffs to nerfs for everyone would basicly be like admiting they are completly incompetent at balancing and not only that, but also that they took multiple years to realize that. You can do such things during beta, but not in the middle or even near the end of a games lifespan.

Soldier is perfectly countered by any one of the barriers and we just got one more attached to a ridiculously overpowered hero.

Soldier 76 needs a rework that will preferably give him some real mobility and a defensive skill to counteract one-shots.