Imagine holding out hope that Soldier will ever be playable again PepeLaugh
I AGREE SO HARD I was also questioning last night to why Soldier 76 is being ignored when he’s the worst rn.
It’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve see people actively playing soldier 76 in my games.
As a fellow soldier/mcree main I don’t think he should get buffed, at least not in raw damage output. What I’d like to see is some small QoL changes or small utility buffs, his healing pad for example.
76 won’t be significantly buffed because it’s the powercreep red flag. People put their foot down when it comes to buffing 76 like it’s unconstitutional. But the alternative is nerfing, how many heroes?
The biggest issue with S76 imo is that he is a worse version of Ashe.
Their kits are really similar but Ashe does pretty much everything better. Where S76 has more flexibility, Ashe has more direct impact. I think that’s a real issue.
I am surprised Solider, Mccree and Ashe didn’t get anything. Perhaps it’s just time to expect their easy hero’s that aren’t meant to work well in higher ranks.
They already get run over by Tracer, and now with such a huge buff to her they will be over shadowed even more.
Soldier is just a victim of powercreep and new heroes making his role obsolete.
I love his character and gameplay, but actually playing him in current day Overwatch just makes me frustrated and question why he is even in the game anymore.
They could have given him at least something, like faster or no reload time on his ulti. It already gets countered by most of the tanks anyway
“Soldier doesnt need any buffs”
Yeah he does, yes he does. And no, making changes on him wont make him overpowered because of the same reasons he is on the trash can right now :
Basic mechanics like his, are never going to be ultra effective.
Buffs needed that will NOT make him overpowered at all:
- Clip/Mag increased to 35
- Helix rockets CD lowered to 6.
Helix rockets are really really really subpar, they need something, like reset on final blow or 1sec CD lowered per kill or assist, 2 charges and 10 sec CD, something.
he got buffed a bit at least, imagine how we feel the old main junkrats when the devs team said " we will buf him" and he received a nerf XD ( bounce 2 times only per granade)
I think the reload while sprinting is a brilliant idea. Ammo size is probably good too. Not sure about the healing interference thing but it’s definitely a very interesting mechanic that could help a lot of chip damage heroes without destroying healing completely. It would need a lot of testing first, and even if they go with it they’d need to fiddle with the numbers to find the right amount.
I can agree with this, there’s never really been any punches pulled when it comes to buffing.
Right? And he’s not trash, he’s just having a hard time fitting in with everyone else rn. Like me back in high school.
Double-Barrier is currently being dealt with on the PTR, so there’s a steady chance for Soldier and other hitscan Heroes to make a comeback.
I’ve been seeing less people like that too, tbh. Soldier Mains are a rare breed nowadays.
Reloading while Sprint is active is a QoL buff, for me.
It doesn’t even have to be a significant buff. A utility buff or a QoL should be enough to impact him without impacting other Heroes.
I haven’t played enough to Ashe to fully comment, but yes, they are similar in playstyles.
That would be a plausible reason. “Easy” Heroes tend to be more flexible and work well at lower ranks because of it. I’m not at a high Rank so I don’t know if “easy” Heroes really do have a place up there.
He’s meant to appeal to longtime-FPS gamers, but yeah, it makes me think that players are favoring more “niche” Heroes than “flexible” Heroes nowadays.
Unlimited ammo during Tactical Visor would be a nightmare to play against.
A 6-second cooldown on Helix Rockets isn’t a bad idea, actually.
Y e s .
I’m really not sure about it. I feel like they’d need to buff healing a bit afterwards.
Thanks for the responses, guys. Makes my Soldier Heart beat proudly.
Reload while sprinting
Maybe take a look at his ult or his rockets cd or ammo clip, but not all at once.
Power creep is inevitably gonna get worse but…we can at least try to slow it down.
Don’t forget that widow has a 1.4 sec soldier rockets but they are hitscan not projectile with headshot multiplier (2.5) that makes her able to deal 300 damage in 1.4 sec
I’m with buffing soldier.
I can’t believe that there are actually people with the powercreep argument that suggest that everything else should be nerfed. The sad thing is that you usually only see them on soldier threads and nowhere else.
No blizzard won’t nerf 2/3 of the cast. So yes he needs to be buffed, otherwise he will be a throw pick forever.
The only argument that is worse is the old “he should be bad becouse he is a ez hero” argument.
I would love the Reload while sprinting and extra ammo/faster reload. It would be amazing!
If anyone wants to hear an controversial opinion. I believe that his weapons needs to be rebalanced or reworked entirely.
Soldier should have a spray pattern instead of random spray after a couple of bullets.
The issue is that he will always lose to McCree, Ash and widow, because he has to stop his firing to control his spray. If he had a proper pattern, he could eventually work with it. That way a good soldier could at least get the chance to do something against these heroes.
By everyone you mean Widowmaker, DF, Hanzo, McChicken I suppose. Cause other heroes are either fine or slighlty underpowered.
Personally, I’d be fine with just increasing his clip size or allow him to reload while Sprinting. Even one of those changes would be great.
Like I’ve said before, I don’t think the Dev Team is going to pull back any punches with each adjustment now that they’re listening to us quite a bit.
It’d be great to have him buffed with extra ammo and/or reloading while running.
I’m pretty sure we’re used to his random spray by now. Even I am and I don’t mind it that much.
“Slightly underpowered” could be a sign they need some working-on too.
I think i havent seen a soldier in comp since season 12 lmao