Credit system for faster DPS queue time

Ah yes, because incentivizing people to play Tank, can’t make people play more Tank, because all future incentives can’t work, because the current ones don’t solve everything.

Effectively “It’s impossible to fix something, if it isn’t fixed already”.

Which is what people tend to call “circular logic”.

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You can continue being sarcastic instead of doing the math.

Many players enjoy a variety of roles. If they want to, say, play 33% of their time in each role, they will spend a lot of time in the DPS queue instead of playing tank, making the problem worse. If you let them play a couple of games with a shorter queue time, they’ll be back to filling quicker, resulting in shorter queue times overall.

If you can’t see the logic in this, I can’t help ya.

It wouldn’t fix anything.

  1. People will queue for Tank/Support and “throw” since they don’t know how to play those roles.
  2. If every DPS player did this, the queue times would be the same.

It’s a unique idea and I like it but I think it would be suited for a different kind of game. Like some sort of tiered challenge game.

Yeah but they have a Tank and Support SR, so their skills in each will suit the ranking they got.

Not a unique idea. Same as what I wrote with less options for purchase.

Also role queue and role lock isn’t the same thing. We could have an Overwatch where there is nor role queue but there is a 2-2-2 role lock. It would simply look like that even if you get matched with 5 DPS main, the first 2 guy who manages to pick a DPS hero will only play DPS, cuz after that nobody would be able to pick DPS, only tank/support. I’m not saying it would be a perfect choice but at least those DPS mains would learn to flex…

By definition, there are more DPS players than Tank players.

Also it doesn’t need to be a 1:1 conversion rate.

  1. If every DPS player did this, the queue times would be the same.
    Reply: It will depend of the amount of time/wins (points) you have accumulated on the other roles, so times will be different for each player.

If only we had a system where each role has an individual SR.

i mean if we want to be technical role lock already existed…it was part of LFG…

but nope it wasn’t good enough (laziness really)… so people came on here and begged for a system that just did all that for you…I mean the posts still exist just go back to the months leading up to it…”we want role queue”…well now we have role queue (and blizz did us all a “favor” and threw it into qp as well)…and now people are wondering if they knew what they were asking for

Yeah, it’s a great idea. It really just provides an incentive system around what people in overpopulated roles were supposed to automatically do from the start - flex into roles that are needed.

Thing is that it must 100% be contingent on getting wins as the flex role, or else the most efficient way to play DPS w/ priority will be to quickly throw a bunch of tank games or just goof off as a fun tank - that’s not what they’d want to incentivize.

Also, there would need to be a cap on the number of credits a player can have at a time. The system could be unstable, and DPS-only players could end up being permanently stuck in line, if too many tank/support players decided to start only priority queuing DPS with effectively infinite points… Capping it ensures alternation that creates more games and consistently lowers DPS queue time even with priority queuers

No, it is a bad idea. Flex players don’t actually exist.

People who rather play a different role/hero but are forced to play a specific role/hero to win however does. At least now you can play the role you want.

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I mean, as a BAptiste/Ana main, sometimes flexing on tank, i’m super happy with the current situation and i’m really glad the 2-2-2 was added on quickplay too so i can actually practice in real matches not just in comp. (if 2-2-2 wasnt added to qp, i would just keep having 5 dps on my team like i used to before 2-2-2 and for those who liked that quickplay classic is always there…)

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Friendly reminder, just because your comps were ending up 2-2-2 or close to it does NOT mean you weren’t running into teams with 5 DPS. I just means enough of your DPS teammates cared about winning.

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Can you elaborate on this point?

It’s an exaggeration, but it isn’t one to say that I’d often have runs of 5-10 games where I didn’t get to play the role I wanted in any of them, because my teammates would line up in DPS slots and either leave me to tank or just acknowledge we would get steamrolled and lose.

People couldn’t play what they wanted to play…yet the vast majority of people were very clearly playing what they wanted to play (at least that’s the claim everyone is making every time they say all games were 5 dps)

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Basically, it was a system of ‘most selfish player wins’. If you were willing to just squat in a DPS slot and if there’s no tank OH WELL, you’d get to play DPS. If you cared about the team and winning, I hope you like tanking, because it’s all you’re going to be doing. I hated that system and was glad to see it go.

I mean, seriously. If I sit down to play Lucio, I want to play Lucio. I do not want to play Orisa, Orisa, Orisa, Orisa, Roadhog, Orisa, Wrecking ball.

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And to that I would simply say: that’s exactly why lfg existed…and if you didn’t use it because there were problems with it then THATS what blizz should’ve worked on (improve LFG)…instead of just forcing one tiny bit of it (as 222 is just one tiny piece of LFG) on everybody

I compare it to custom games…they improved it with the workshop and it blew up (seriously go in there even today and there are tons of games all the time)…if LFG was broken…then work on fixing the problems…don’t just shoehorn everyone into one part of it

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