Crashing/Freezing and crashing on hero select screen

So this has happened twice now (Like a month apart I think) and only OW has been affected, my internet is fine and every other app runs smoothly. I was in competitive about two days ago, first half of the round was perfectly fine but then when it came time for the second round, it crashed and I was left on the hero selection screen. Someone had left so I thought if I give it enough time, I can avoid the penalty but after roughly 2 minutes, I was unable to play for about 12 minutes, I’ve tried arcade and the training room since then and both work fine.

Is there a fix to this and would it just be wise to only play in arcade to avoid this sort of bug again until a fix is made, as I’ve said, other apps work fine and my internet is stable, it’s not the xbox because that responded instantly when I pressed the home button and pressing out of the game and back in it only brought me back to the hero selection screen and I was unable to do anything else.

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