Crash to desktop with new GPU

I posted a thread here about my 5700xt having low performance.

While that seems to have been fixed, possibly by an AMD driver, my game is crashing at least once a day. Today I went down an SR bracket, 5 game rule ignored, with my endorsement level lowered as well. The game knows it’s crashing because it asks me to send feedback, to which I said “FIX THIS” because I’m pissed and it’s been 3 days in a row. Yes it has asked me three days in a row.

What is going on? Why the instability? I swear this game was more stable 3 years ago when it released.

DxDiag because I know someone will ask for it:

Pastebin because long. This will expire in 2 weeks.
h t t p s: //pastebin. c o m /GMBVkSXd

I don’t see any crashes from Overwatch in that diagnostic report. However, I think you should disable a few things and then add them back until the problem happens again to narrow it down.

  • Nahimic – has an overlay and is known to cause crashes with Overwatch. Something in a recent Windows update enabled some features in Nahimic that made this very old issue resurface.

  • MSI’s EyeRest – sometimes things that change the color of the screen are actually an overlay and either trigger the anticheat or fight the drivers for control of video.

  • Other considerations reporting errors –
    VideoCardMonitorII.exe (MSI app again), VRdashboard, and the Steam Web Helper. The Steam browser has caused issues I’ve helped with on the forums before. I did see your note, but it’s worth turning all of these things off for troubleshooting.

Thanks Nicole. I uninstalled the MSI gaming app after changing my LEDs, and Nahimic went with it. It’s not… great software, and crashes on its own. This was a couple days ago.

I’ll try shutting down Steam while in game… I’m fairly convinced it’s my hardware still. Hopefully that’s being looked at by someone at Blizzard. Three years of playtime with an Nvidia card, no issues until I switch to AMD. I’ve had crashes before, just never daily or more than once a month that I can recall. Radeon overlay is disabled as well.

In order for that to happen, you’d probably need to open a ticket with them. While they do respond to a lot on the forum, they simply can’t read everything.

Just curious, but did you make certain all of your nVidia software has been uninstalled?

nVidia has a tool to make sure all registry entries for their video software/drivers has been removed, I’d double check that just to be sure.

Ran DDU a couple times. Even reinstalled Windows shortly after because of an unrelated issue.

If you’ve reinstalled Windows, that wouldn’t be an issue then. Just something I thought I’d throw out there.