Cowboy Bebop Skins Are Already Unobtainable, Lol

People who buy skins are champs. Paying for me to see content for free. 10/10

You don’t want to play the game purely on the basis of missing out on getting specific skins … really?

I don’t want to play a game with scummy business practices

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At the very least, I’m never spending money on this game again. I bought the watchpoint pack and was planning on being a lifetime subscriber to the battlepass. But nah I stopped a couple of seasons in and I’m not going back, and FOMO EVEN IF YOU BUY BATTLEPASS is the scummy garbage that made me do it.

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Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous tbh, like you’d think they’d be more charitable to the fans that stuck with them but clearly not.

It’s ok the game isn’t even fun for me anymore, hasn’t been for a while.

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I quit tanking for sombra, that’s the only reason i still play now lol. But literally ALL THEY HAD TO DO was make a battlepass that just GIVES YOU EVERYTHING and so many of us would be like “here’s my seasonal payment, thank you”.

But no. They want LESS money overall, to get more money from a few whales, on the offchance it might make someone jealous enough to spend. Literally the dumbest “I’m a banker who should not run a videogame company” logic ever, which is why despite having way more players supposedly, OW2 has made way less money than OW1.

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