Cover isn't counterplay to Widow

If she’s balanced around being more likely to die, then why does she have a lower death rate than other DPS heroes?

For real, Grapple makes a gigantic difference on top of just being able to out-range opponents.

Gotta factor those in.

If she reaches a point where she’s dead more often than other DPS, then you’d be right.


if you damage her HP to 0, I’m pretty sure she dies

if you portray that “just play widow” and “just learn to aim better”

then you should just play Widow and become top 1st player if it’s that easy


Echo: gets headshot
Winston: Widow gets peeled or already has a 24/7 mercy pocket
Genji: headshot or killed by enemy team trying to reach widow
Tracer: same thing a genji just successful a little more often
Sombra: im sure your team will appreciate missing one dps while they’re getting headshot over and over while you try to get the pick
Zen: LMAO headshot dude has the Hitbox of Buddha
Widow: Lol enemy widow actually has 30,000 hours and aim trains daily


Few exceptions lol, almost every flank route in Overwatch can be seen from the sniping spot and any that cant, put a mine down


He really isn’t though.

Hanzo isn’t nearly as oppressive as Widowmaker because he’s a projectile and can’t control space in the same way.

You can reasonably peek Hanzo every once in a while and have it be an acceptable risk. If you need to peek a corner, you could just jump peek it and since he’s not hitscan he can’t do anything about it (unless he predicts it in advance).

If you peek Widow for 0.5 seconds, you get your face blown off. She’s utterly oppressive in a way that no other OW hero is.


No not really, many if not most flanks have routes that are completly covered from LOS form widow spots.

for example second point kings row, has an entire indoor path that leads from the right attackers door into that bit of Highground that widows sit on to spam into the choke from were the cart pushes through.

Junkertown fist point has a similiar sitaution where this an entire playable area to the right of the attackers spawn into the spot were widow sits at the start of the round. And if you can get over that wall on the Left you can do the same thing their.

Most flanks will drop you off right next to her, or with a single jump/wall climb away from her.

Pro’s use these all the time.

while most of ladder go full lemmings and rush the cart and just stand their.

Also I would like to note widow’s perspective while scoping in is very small. She can’t really tell what’s going on around her unless she drops her charge.

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yeah and how are you gonna do that? you gonna shoot at her, well you’ll have to peak around a corner and expose that beautiful head hitbox to getting domed

or do you just expect the whole team to wait while the flanker goes and try to assassinate her, yeah cuz that won’t end in the flanker getting 1v5ed


And in that case, playing Junkrat into Widow isnt a good idea in the first place even though he can shoot over walls. Not that it fixes the issue of Widow who he cant reach from behind said wall.

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you mean that one point that widow can put a venom mine down, and if a flanker goes through there she’ll know and can just grapple away, (motion activated mine too so don’t expect sombra to work)

Oh you mean that flank route she’ll be able. to see you leave from the spawn to go to, you mean that one she can again see you take and grapple away from.

and funny you mention those maps cuz they also have spots where the widow can see everything

King’s row widow can sit atop the Church tower as an attacker and litterally snipe the choke point from spawn, and tell me how do you get close to her when there’s a spawn barrier stopping you

or shall we talk about widow sitting on top of the double doors in junkertown, flank left, she can see and have nice straight line The Flankers have to take, or should we talk about taking the right Flank by the cliff… actually let’s not

shall we talk about Havana, how about circus Royal or how bout the 1st checkpoint on Dorado where widow can stand atop the doors, the left flank she can see and only 4 characters can use, the right flank, she can see you use

for every example you give where she can be flanked I can give 2 where she can’t


No, Echo is one of the few DPS who has enough burst to outdamage any pocketed DPS. Widow is probably the easiest hero in the game to hit all her sticky bombs and then just press E.

Because of her vulnerabilities, she is forced to play safe. Where are you getting this from btw?

Echo is silent, she can flank and jump on an enemy Widow. All you have to do is strafe for less than a second before you melt her HP.

All of these are just excuses for being a bad flanker. It’s not hard to get into the enemy backline and it shouldn’t be hard using your tiny hitboxes, insane mobility and get out of jail abilities to either kill their Widow or put pressure on her.

One of the few advantages of having projectiles is being able to peak and hide. Sure you might get sniped, but you can quickly charge up your orbs, peak and hide. I only suggested Zen if your team refuses to deal with the enemy Widow and you’re stuck on support.


I mean if you can get the widow to leave ideal position that easy that is just a good outcome overall. As Their Arnt that many spots for her on that point that she is actually effective in.

like keep mind she only has pressure in situations were she has good LOS. Without that she is kinda trash.

Also like a good blink or two can get around that.

No if you leave the right most door your behind cover she can’t see from that door. I’m not talking about the middle one every rushes out on.

Also you have a door that leads to the choke right behind a wall, were the enemy widow can’t see you. you know that little reception room with the health pack.

As long as you don’t walk down main your fine. and can play around that door and on the point with no issue from the widow.

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if ppl have to argue so much on how to counter her…she is a problem, she controls most maps just with presence alone, i play completely different depending if she is on the other team or not, i do not play differently against hanzo i know what they are doing(spamming chokes 99% of the time). Widow is a problem.


And what exactly is preventing widow from doing that…??

Also how to deal with Hanzo? Just play hitscan. You’ll always be advantaged

The fact that she is not a mid-range DPS who should be in the middle of her team? Last time I checked, Widow does not brawl.

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Assuming the enemy has to run a comp that brawls?? They don’t.

Widow is capable of doing everything hanzo does. Hanzo just gets it easier. Good widows can do pretty much the same thing outside of bursting tanks…

It is must harder and less reliable to play Widow at a close-medium range, in the middle of her team.

Yeah, for 10x the effort. Why is it a bad thing that a skilled Widow player can be as good as Spamzo?



I play Ball a lot. Specifically to avoid headshots.

ah yes that’s why pros and good players
immediately go to the widow mirror to counter her riiight, is because flanking is just soo good against her, and ig everytime a widow headshots the Flanker it’s because that top500 or OWL pro was just bad at the game


I play with various groups and the biggest reason people get enraged or leave games is widow.

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Because widow isnt “as good” as hanzo, she is substantially, substantially better than hanzo, and her hitscan nature makes her significantly more difficult to deal with in a high level environment than hanzo could eber hope to be.