Cover isn't counterplay to Widow

Right but WB doesn’t counter Hanzo anymore than he counters every other DPS. Infact he counters Widow a lot more.

If you can beat their Widow then that’s probably the best play.

Ah yes the one time in OWL where the Widow one shots the flanking Genji, Tracer or Echo as opposed to the 100000 times she is forced to switch because she is being countered.

Not at close range which is where you suggest playing her.

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Well, how about they do the “Map Based Changes” without changing the map.


I’m sorry what?

I bully Hanzos all the time.


I’m not opposed to Widow nerfs, nor do I think she is completely balanced, but Hanzo is by far more unhealthy for the game than a vulnerable sniper who has 175hp, a giant head hitbox and has to stand still to shoot.

Yeah probably because all you see is Hanzo since he’s busted. Nothing about Hanzo’s kit makes him more vulnerable to WB than any other DPS, ESPECIALLY Widow.

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But you are dead already because your head is more atractive to everything, it is a baloon and to shoot anything as widow you can’t move pretty much. I can oneshot widow with any character faster than she charges her one-shot (imagine missing, btw)

Grapple cooldown is 12s, Winston leap is 6s, GL with that. Btw, do you see that hamster :hamster:? He is in q for your juicy butt cheeks right after the Winston. I hope you will find his head too :smile: You can basically use your hook to hang yourself as widow (in game ofc), I heard that these animals are not attracted to dead things =)

But you are dead faster than you’d be able to shoot as widow, what headshots, be real dude =)

That’s right, now both team have 2 afk Andys, therefore lack of actual pressure that could be done with any other character but widow.

If you struggle to not get oneshotted by widow work on your movement, you know, this game has no movement acceleration and no inertia (momentum), hence you can change your hero’s movement animations in 1 frame. Now tell me, who’s Widow is so consistent, that he can click the head that changes its position faster than the reaction of mongoose by 3 times and in all 3 axis for some heroes?

Would this fix most of those concerns?

Maybe, but I think he just needs a rework. Taking away his one shot is necessary but no number buff is going to make up for that.

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I figure if he needs more.

225hp and 30% extra Lunge range. Heck, give him Lifesteal with StormArrows.

It’s really not that difficult to just give him raw value, that isn’t about instant-kills.

But why would you ever play him over Cassidy then?

I just had a match where there were basically three snipers on the enemy team.
Widow, Hanzo and Ashe.

We were being hard stomped by these three players with impeccable aim, so I went Sombra. I killed the Widow and the Hanzo.

One of them says “Sombra, man”
So I say “Wtf else am I supposed to do to counter snipers?”
And they start insulting me.
“literally just kill the snipers smh”
“just don’t peak”
“just flank”
“just juke them”
“aim better lol”
“just shoot them lmao”
“use cover lol”
All 5 players on the enemy team had an insult to throw at me about it and how it’s “so ez” to counter snipers.

Sniper players just want to be uncontested and get ez wins. If you hide behind cover an entire match and don’t contest, that’s good for them and they want that, that’s probably why they tell people all the time “just use cover”.
I have no respect for people that play snipers, honestly.


Well let’s say you go with all of those, he’d have a self-heal and Cassidy doesn’t. He has Sonar, which is way better utility. And Wallclimb offers better flank angles.

The ability to no longer headshot. He has to engage properly.

Cover is literally counterplay to widow you absolute nutbars. You don’t get to say something isn’t counter play just because you guys don’t like it.

THIS is why we aren’t listened to on here. The most incorrect, like objectively wrong, posts gets tons of hearts, and developers take one look at us and say “Well, they aren’t providing any worthwhile feedback”. Then they go ask the streamers again.

I think its interesting how people seem to know Hanzo and Widow would be useless without crits. The weird thing is how people always say “give them lifesteal” as compensation for removing their defining feature.

Like Widow, Hanzo doesn’t need lifesteal. Your idea would just make him an awful fighter, and McCree would do his job better any day of the week. But hey, at least you wouldn’t get oneshot anymore.

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Still isn’t the same as having Cassidy damage but on a hitscan imo. But it’s still more healthy than one-shot.

No hero has the ability to headshot WB… It doesn’t exactly counter him and him only.

Well there’s 17 DPS heroes, and if a hero ends up having above average pickrate a, I’d say that’s plenty for “good enough”.

Ah yes. And that’s just another strength. You’ll be reloading or wasting many more shots on WBall.

Which as you confessed is a downside for Hanzo. The only players who ever tell me “F you Ball! Kys” has been Hanzo one tricks.

Hanzo doesn’t reload.

No… I didn’t?

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So a hero needs to be in direct competition with the most used DPS hero, or else they are un-useable?

The way I see it, if you solve all the “gameplay quality” problems with the heroes, then you can hard focus on their “tier list rankings” afterwards.

Which can involve just nerfing top performers.

Oh we’ll have a ton of fun together if we ever meet.

I don’t play either hero, but ok.