Counter swapping is a pandemic

My PC isn’t good, at all. It was fine before, but recently, around this season, it’s really gone down hill. I can maybe get 20FPS on average, like 50 in the training range, and any team fight it immediately plummets to 6fps.

I am playing a PowerPoint Presentation.

So anyway, I’m ‘playing’ quick play as Reinhardt, crashing into every damn wall, my charge pinning air particles, etc. I’m doing my thing, having a stroke on point in a Reinhardt mirror match, and then we both die somehow, IDK.

Then I respawn, come back and…he’s switched to Ramattra…in quick play…

I’m not even playing good, Hell, I ain’t even PLAYING! I’m spinning in place, beating to death a fly on the wall, I’m solo Earthshattering the payload, my Firestrikes are picking fights with the floor, and losing, and this chucklehead counter swaps me?

Buddy, pal, chum, mate, I’m doing fine countering my own team, thank you very much, I don’t need your help.

Tank players have been conditioned, nay, we’ve been beaten over the head with the notion that counter swapping > playing the damn game.

Everyone and the sock under their bed (mother not found) just blindly pick whatever screws over the enemy Tank the second they can, because playing NOT like a little coward baby is seen as too hard, because it requires skill expression, because it requires YOU to be able to beat ME in a mirror match whilst I’m playing at as many FPS AS YOU HAVE CHROMOSOMES, AND YOU STILL FAIL?!

i feel bad that you are having PC problems :frowning:

but look on the bright side…you’re gold in every class in comp, on a computer that only gets 20fps…im on a better computer and can only get bronze/silver…so…you’re doing better with a worse situation than i am lol

Part of the fun of Rein mirror is having someone to fight.

You admittedly were swingning at ghosts. Aggroing walls.
I would have switched too. I want an actual match, so I will kill your team faster since you are incapable of tanking for them even a little.

Sounds like you and your team will be okay with a faster exit.

In between the dead pixels and mysterious white stains on my monitor (milk, I swear), I could see that the Ramattra was attacking me first, specifically, always.

My aura was just too powerful for that little baby coward.

You should see my chair. I used to have a swivel chair, but it broke, so now I have one of those foldable garden chairs old people sit in. It was in the shed for years, I had to give the poor thing a shower, not joking.

Anyway, I’m trying to get a new computer later, we’ll see.