i need some help.
I would like to have a timer on the person who is on the top of the game (score).
The Person who is the longest time on top of the game would win it.
Is that possible ingame and how can i realize that?
Thanks for the help
i need some help.
I would like to have a timer on the person who is on the top of the game (score).
The Person who is the longest time on top of the game would win it.
Is that possible ingame and how can i realize that?
Thanks for the help
Hm an interesting concept, its doable with a custom scoreboard, few Arrays and 2 Timers. The First Timer should start when the Match begins and run for 1-2 min to give time to determine under which criteria the scoreboard should reflect to, should be the player with most Kills be on Top or so after that, in 2 minutes can so much happen :D. If a Top Player can be found by that criteria after 2 mins, create the scoreboard and list it correspondingly an Array can help, then create a second Timer for that Player who is Top on scoreboard eg. at Index 0 in the Array, reset the timer when the Player is not at Top anymore and set the second timer for the new Player on top again. That would be my attempt to start with. The criteria needs to be clarified more.
Sure you can, just use Player or Global Variable to store your counter for each player (seconds in total). Modify it using loop if condition is true.
More info about me and my game mods you can find here.
i tried to figure out, who is on top of the leaderboard, but it didn’t work.
I saved the my own points to Player Variable A and made them the playerscore.
Here is what i’ve tried: https:// imgur. com/BCt7xuo (Marked are normally off)
Any other ideas?
Your image URL seems not to work for me. Could you instead post on which server PTR or Live you using the Workshop and share your workshop code so we can look over it by our own. Thank you!
Here is the code: AN32X
I just added the time thing. When you have the most points -> Time run.
When you’ll be killed or lost leaderboard position -> time stop and add to final time.
My leaderboard (Top right) doesn’t seem to work aswell…
Please don’t blame me, i am new to this and want to learn it.
Thanks for the help.
i made a new workshop code just to test this time thing…
CODE: B4J62 (on live servers)
It worked only for 1 Player (testet with 2).
Player A walked in the circle and raise his points, so he is on the leaderboard. The Time starts!
Player B walked 2 times in the circle, raise his points. His Points are Higher. His Time doesn’t start but the time for Player A stopped.
Player A worked as expected but player B seems invisible for the code…
Please help me to figure out what the problem is.
First of all, can you please explain the following condition?
Event Player == True;
What did you mean by it?