Could not locate Resources (0xE00300E0)

I just encountered this problem today, I was playing Overwatch last night for 3 hours with no issues, now when I go to play it today it can’t even launch without this error code. I’ve tried running it as administrator, giving it administrative access in all my security programs (both base and secondary), restart blizzard/battlenet, restart computer, update all my drivers, cleared space in my drivers, and attempted uninstalling.

The problem with uninstalling any blizzard product is that it never gets past the “removing files, please wait” wallblock. I can’t simply delete/uninstall Overwatch and the launcher without getting a pop-up from blizzard forcing me to go through a stagnant process. I’ll scan and repair next but I expect a patch or some dev information to come out explaining how to fix this.

BTW I have Windows 10, Dell XPS8500, NVIDIA 1070gtx (idk if that helps). Very disappointed with blizzard right now.

Read the comment I just wrote over yours, it has your answer.

P.S.: Don’t be dissapointed with blizzard, I contacted them at 3am my country, 1am us and got replyed 2 hours later with almost all the solution but he gave me the link to this forum who had the rest of it. Great support service.

oh shoot there was…

update last night buddy boy prolly was the trigger

Mine happened before the update so it’s not it.

Kill the bnet update agent in the task manager, it seems to be what’s blocking the scan and repair.

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This seems to have worked for me. I apparently had five instances of it. Then it created another one when I clicked “scan and repair”. Once I got rid of that one, about 5 seconds later it started working. Thamk

Ive done this twice both times the scan and repair bar never moved no matter how long I waited

Force stop update Agent in task manager. Restart blizzard app. Make sure you decline update agent starting. Scan and repair Overwatch. Worked for me.

This worked for me! Thanks

How is it stuck? Mine says "waiting on another installation and it doesn’t move from there. I don’t know what to do :frowning:

could you? I cannot uninstall the thing. It get’s stuck.

Deleting the 2 .exe files worked for and scanning and repair worked for me. Make sure you close out of it and close battlenet in the task manager before trying it again.

Here’s what works for me and will probably works with everybody.

  1. Open the Blizzard App as administrator
  2. Open the overwatch folder and created a backup folder. Moved “Overwatch.exe” and “Overwatch Launcher.exe” inside the backup folder.
  3. In the Blizzard app, click on “Option” and select “Scan and Repair”
  4. While scanning, open the Task Manager and end the task for “Blizzard Update Agent”
  5. After ending the task for “Blizzard Update Agent”, the loading bar says “Waiting for another installation or update…”
  6. After waiting for a while, the scanning of game files start.

Hope this helps!

Before you start the repair, in the task manager end the “Blizzard Update Agent” and it should work I also followed this just in case it matters

Close open Blizzard programs.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
Click the Processes tab.
If agent.exe is running—or Blizzard Update Agent in Windows 10—select it and click End Process.
Navigate to the folder containing the cache directory:
Press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialogue.
Type %ProgramData% into the Run field and press Enter.
If a Blizzard Entertainment folder exists in the directory, right-click it and select Delete.

Well done Blizzard - now I must completely reinstall the game with my not unlimited internet and delete it from Windows just because BattleNet can’t delete the game and bugged - and I don’t have a 100% guaranty that game will start successful after reinstall just because you don’t even know wtf is happening and why the game don’t work.

Give this man a medal!
Although the only file besides the two .exe files and the .idx files i deleted, was
After that i opened b-net again and it instantly worked.
Thx and Gl

I had some trouble when following the basic steps many people have suggested. The scan and repair wasn’t working despite doing everything the same, even when running blizzapp as admin.

The thing that made it work for me was turning off my antivirus firewall and auto-containment features. That allowed the admin to ask permission for Blizzapp to make changes, which let it do a proper scan and fix. It’s working again now, so yeah, if you’re having issues and you have an antivirus (mine is Comodo, for reference) try turning it off until the fix works.

Scan and repair didn’t even exist for me as an option. There was no “Options” button/tab for me to access, it was simply gone. I uninstalled everything and when I went to reinstall it would start alright but then say “Whoops! Looks like something broke. Give it another shot.” but no matter how many more shots I gave it, the game never got beyond 3% of being playable. I now cannot even reinstall the game. What’s the deal, people?

EDIT: Upon close examination the Blizzard dot net application now does have the Options menu. I have been attempting to run the Scan and Repair function but it crashes just like it does when I attempt to install the game with the same error message.

I think an update was released not too long ago to fix the problem