Could not locate Resources (0xE00300E0)

I can´t play too…

I am also getting this issue but wasn’t a problem yesterday.

Delete the idx files in the installation and then it will scan

us battle net/support/en/article/33942

You may have to kill the “Agent” blizz app as it locks the files or perform a restart of the computer before deleting the files.

But in the same boat here, started trying to play and got the error. Bnet app refuses to scan.

I have the same problem.

Yes same problem here, scan does not work, uninstall does not work either

This is in regards to the live client, not the PTR. The PTR is offline right now, but if your live client is encountering this error, try:

  1. Open the Blizzard app.
  2. While the app is open, go to your installation folder and delete Overwatch Launcher.exe and Overwatch.exe (just send them to recycle bin).
  3. Go back to app options and run a Scan and Repair. This will download the new files and fix the problem.

The scan and repair process time can vary depending on your system. If you find that it is hanging, try restarting your system and right-clicking on the Blizzard Launcher to choose “Run as Administrator”.

I’ve received confirmation on twitter that this has helped resolve the error for some but we’ll continue to monitor.


same i have the same problem. and i cant unstill it because it says its still running

I didn’t installed the PTR or anything like that but today I have the same issue has the original poster. Game says “running” and nothing happens until I get the same error message.

right now, I deleted both .EXE for overwatch and running a scan and repair but it has been running for a while and that progress bar is yet to move.


Can confirm that your solution for the live client does not work. I’ve restarted my computer, deleted both exe to recycle bin, and open battlenet as admin. Scan and repair bar still stuck

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I think this might have something to do with the most recent Windows Update which is currently rolling out.

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Yea I do remember an update last night

Broken for me too. Scan and repair doesn’t work.

quick update, If you go in the CACHE folder and the in the CASC folder and delete all .IDX files and restart the scan & repair function, this seems to get it the kick it needs to get moving and the process seems to at least be advancing (I can see the progress bar going forward a lot faster now).

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update, my scan completed in just 5 minutes and my overwatch game is working.

so to sum up my steps:

1- Delete the overwatch.exe and overwatch launcher.exe from the main folder.
2- go in the Cache\CASC folder and delete all .IDX files.
3- Run the scan & repair

Fixed my issue.


Trying this, will update.

Trying this now, I’m still not seeing bar movement, but I’ll let it sit and run again…


if you were running a scan before, might be work closing your battle .net app (end in with the task manager, don’t forget to also kill the battle .net agent) and try again.


I’m also unable to get the scan and repair to function. I’m on Windows 10 Pro, and there were a couple Windows updates last night after I last successfully ran the game.
I’ve tried deleting cache files and running both the launcher and game exe files as administrator.

Edit: I have tried deleting cache and closing and reopening the Battle .Net app, including killing the Blizzard update Agent. I even tried uninstalling the Windows Updates that installed last night. Nothing has got the scan and repair to work, and now it won’t even attempt to launch the game until it does complete. Launching the game manually from the exe results in the same error.

Didn’t work for me. While the bar moved a little bit compared to before, it is stuck again near the beginning.

Nvm., I guess I was too impatient (guess a fast SSD doesn’t help). It actually finished and started downloading files now. Game runs now.


I’m still not seeing anything -.-

EDIT: What about the shmem file? Thats current to today. Should it be removed?