Could not locate Resources (0xE00300E0)

How did you guys start the App? I’ve tried as Admin from the Shortcut, from the Exe (both of them) and normal, and its not doing anything.

The bar moves a little forward, but the it gets stuck. I tried everithing. I don’t know if it’s a slow process or what.

Having the same issues. Could not locate resource. Happened on live, not PTR. Tried updating drivers (no updates) running as admin, restarting computer, running repairs (scan and repair just gets stuck at “scanning game files. Please wait…” Please tell me that this isn’t an isolate incident and that there are others suffering?

Hi, tuning in to say I have the same problems you guys are having. Tried deleting .idx and .exe files then scanning and repairing to no avail. I don’t know if it’s relevant but just in case, I updated my graphics driver yesterday and tried opening it for the first time since then today.

Okay guys so I tried everyone’s method to scan and repair and it did not work. I force closed the app from task manager and then uninstalled the game through my PC . Don’t ask it through the blizzard app. I then re-installed OW which only took me about 5 minutes and I am now in-game.

Same issue… nVidia GTX 760, AMD Phenom X6, yesterday i was playing…

reinstall the game it’s better and quicker if the scan doesn’t work.

That’s interesting. I also have an nVidia video card and an AMD processor. I’m running an older video card and a newer processor, though (GTX 650 and Ryzen 5 1600). I wonder if there’s a common thread? My brother is running an Intel processor, and he didn’t have any issues today.

Trying to uninstall it but it seems to take ages as well (more than 10min for uninstall ? )

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Got an i7 and NVDIA card, don’t think that’s the issue…

Try to do it from your PC, not from de Blizzard client.

I tried everything above but this worked. Even uninstalling through bnet didnt work.

How to fix problems:

  1. uninstall through windows
  2. kill bnet/update agent
  3. reinstall.

Took roughly 2 minutes total and I am now back in game.


I uninstalled through ioBit uninstaller, third party, does the stuff the control panel would do but more thorough. I don’t think you guys would need to download it though. I’m currently in the process of reinstalling, hopefully that’ll work. I have an i5 and a GTX1070

*edit: I should add that I restarted my computer after uninstalling.

YMMV depending on internet speed. My connection isn’t stellar so it’s not gonna take 2 minutes, but I’m certain it would be faster than the non-moving scan and repair.

Holy moly, thank you SO much.:ok_hand:

Couldn’t uninstall even through control panel. Used your program which managed to uninstall the game. Re-install and finally I worked. Takes around 5min as well :slight_smile:

Uninstalling from add/remove programs and reinstalling worked. I had to download all 13 GB of data again, but I’m back in.
As far as differences: My brother and my son did not encounter this issue, while I did. I’m on Windows 10 Pro while they’re both on Home, so maybe it’s related to that?

Okay I got mine working. Here’s what I know.

Looks like most people did a windows update yesterday like me and then Overwatch wouldn’t launch. Like everyone scan and repair would just sit and not progress. I attempted to uninstall and the same thing happened. I force quit the launcher and deleted the overwatch folder manually. I reinstalled the game from scratch and it worked again.

When it launched I got a permissions window from windows firewall to allow access. Likely the update changed something about the firewall that blocked overwatch somehow. Some of the quicker fixes other people listed may work but a fresh install will for sure work.

I think I ended up deleting some textures or something else large that I need to now redownload while uninstalling the game, that must be why it isn’t taking me 5 minutes. Oh well 🤷

Uninstalling through control panel and reinstalling using the client did the job, just had to sit through the 12gb of download