Corrupted .dll lookup preventing game launch

When I try and launch Overwatch 2, I get a System Error, saying that code execution cannot proceed because a dll was not found. The problem is that the .dll that the code is looking for is complete gibberish, I mean that the name of the .dll provided in the error message is like 50 characters of complete nonsense.

I have tried updating Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable, uninstalling and reinstalling OW2, uninstalling and reinstalling OW2 and, and have tried the re-cert troubleshoot from this support article, and none of them have worked.

I don’t know how to copy paste images onto forum posts, so unsure how to share the actual error window text (it’s not copy-able). Any help would be appreciated.

You would need to upload to imgur and link here, the forums don’t allow uploads.

It’s not allowing me to post the link. Keep getting a “Can’t post links” error. Here’s the later part of the imgur url though, MbD33Sz

Have you checked the computer for malware/rootkits? The error message is quite something.

Hey, sorry for the late response. Currently running a full scan with my anti-malware of choice. My friends did joke that Vanguard could be doing something here as the only difference between when I was last able to launch the game a couple days ago and now is that Vanguard became required for the League client.

Update 5/2/24 20:14 - Scan finished, nothing came up so unsure what next troubleshooting step would be.

I am having the same problems with the same error above that @Nicole posted.
I scanned using MalwareBytes and nothing came up.
Also did the Digicert manual install and that didn’t help either.

My only suggestion would be reinstalling Windows. I’ve never seen an error like that in the forum, and I’ve been troubleshooting since Overwatch beta.

out of curiosity, did you recently install Vanguard through the Riot/League client?

anyone find a solution? i’ve had the exact same error around the exact same time. No vanguard, but started after i re-downloaded fallout 4 on steam. throught that had something to do with it but nothing i’ve tried to rectify has worked so far

Ok between that response and this one i got overwatch to work. I scrolled through one of my antivirus programs earlier for any mention of overwatch. Had no files quarantined. It was an app i’ve had on this computer for ages, but i, on a whim uninstalled it and rebooted. Overwatch started right up after the boot.

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Unfortunately, my antivirus hasn’t quarantined anything recently so there’s nothing to test on that front, so I guess for the foreseeable future, OW2 just won’t be a playable option for me, reinstalling Windows to play OW2 isn’t worth it when I have other games I could play.

Hey Terrie,

I had the exact same issue, with the exact same corrupt dll filename, I figured out a workaround but I don’t like it, and I would love to figure out a more permanent solution.
I just haven’t had time to pour into a fix.
Here’s how I get around it:

1. Disabled my Antivirus Prevention Engine
2. Navigated to ProgramFiles/Overwatch/_retail_
3. Double clicked on the Overwatch.exe
4. If 3 doesn't load the game I right clicked the Overwatch.exe and clicked Open
5. Re-enabled my Prevention Engine

(Sorry I had to put it in a code block otherwise the underscored retail folder gets interpreted as markdown formatting like retail)

Note: This doesn’t work for me if I try and launch the game through the Agent, even after disabling the Prevention Engine.

I also didn’t have anything show up in my Antivirus Software, and I scanned all dll files on my system and none had the corrupted filename mentioned in the error.

Hope this helps you.

Nothing was quarantined in mine either. I just uninstalled it on a whim and OW2 was back working.

This worked for me so marking this as a janky solution that does technically work, if it does feel mad sus.

Yeh I hate it also.
I posted a ticket to Blizzard and they basically told me to go through the standard troubleshooting and when that failed… check the forums :frowning:
If you figure out the permanent fix please post it here and I’ll do the same.