Then why are you on the internet if you can’t trust the people on it?
and 10 other things no smart person actually believes. I knew what you said
Mardi Gras event happen before this announcement.
This is a simply case of “don’t feed the troll”. Just pay them no mind, even if they directly respond to you
I’ve saved 100,000 human lives from Covid-19 since this pandemic started. Give me praise now. I am not lying.
in all reality, the reason there is no covid “event” is because no organization came to them and asked for it
Also Toxic people should not play a community multiplayer team coordinated game
They don’t exist, just ignore them.
Given the context, I think the correct legal term would be “reasonable doubt”. There is no reason to believe OP is lying. There is plenty to believe you are lying. It’s simple logic.
The infinite bullets should have been the first hint.
Wow, you guys are really nice. Man, where are you guys @ on xbox…nobody is nice on there XD.
Come join us on the PC side… BECOMED BECKEND
Sadly, I have no xbox. I play on PC. qwq
That’s exactly why I never join voice chat. People on Xbox are toxic. Just yesterday i had a Torb smurf on my team insult me a bunch because i played Orisa in QP
I would if I had a PC. Trust me.
If you decide to get a PC, I would highly recommend building one. It saves so much money.
Like. I only spent 1500 on my PC. And it has some stupidly good specs.
Gonna go and eat breakfest. Peace.
If you ever do get one make sure it isn’t an All In One. Learn how to make one because getting PC’s shopping wise will most likely not give you some parts that it has in the PC then what it says in the description. It may be expensive but its worth it.
Bruh I will confront them. I had someone tell me some…colorful things because I played and widow.
Ik you cant reply due to that recent one but here. All In One PC is trash because even with everything low you will still have low FPS drops, with an ethernet cable tho its been helping my FPS and Ping so much.