Corona Virus Research Charity Skin

Maybe earlier. The funding is mostly already set at this point. Most places are in final stages. Unless blizzard wants to help actually physically distribute, there are other causes which could use money .

Covid is at a stage of administrative approvals. Money wouldn’t really help move that.


Yea , but even if they did it late or when it first began still the thought counts

Look, as I saw it. Blizz needed to be “scared” because they need to focus less about fun for a better future for their game because that’s just reality.

If Doomfish had to dive in to do it… welp. It needed to be done.

I can’t deny that. I mean they need to pay more attention

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Excuse…me …I’m a girl.


:warning: Trigger Warning! Su!c!de :warning: I mean sure but I’d rather have an event that effects someones mental health that cant be cured like covid can. Like Suicide Awareness or something like that cause like me myself has struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and tried… Im not explaining it but multiple things but something like that cannot be cured and is a serious problem. I think MAYBE mercy should have the skin because she has more popularity then any other character.


Considering Moira’s craft is closer to biology than Baptiste, I’d probably opt for her. She may be extreme but a lot of her dialogue and actions indicate she still wants the best for humanity but she doesn’t care what laws she has to break for it so it wouldn’t be out of character either.
Though, the suggestion of Zenyatta isn’t bad either. He can actually enforce his distance with a ring of orbs. (What I wouldn’t give for that…)

Money is the initial stage for solving a problem. But we basically already have a solution . So it does matter. We can’t just throw money at a polio vaccine because…the vaccine is made. It’s done.

Funding polio vaccines does…nothing unless it’s to distribute .

So, yes good intent . But if it doesn’t do something, it’s money wasted. That can go to a plethora of problems that really could use it.

Fake news on the internet. Everyone knows girls aren’t real


Yes! Indeed I have had issues like this before. (Turquoise and Purple are the colors) I can totally see a skin with that. The Toxicity in the forums don’t help but I just wanna help people


And Snowshredder is shredded before the snow even drops.


Thats an event I would donate too if I had the money.

Me too! Any more donation events /even out of overwatch I would donate too.

…wat? Why so angee?


I have no idea, I’m actually a volunteer. I have no idea who this person is so-


Although I would love another mercy skin, Moira needs loving too. Since she basically sucks the life out of people and then heal others in return it would make more sense.

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Btw since you mentioned moira , I’m witnessing a aimbot wallhack moira

Being a volunteer is extremely respectable. I could never volunteer because I find human contact in general kinda gross. The only exceptions are people who have earned my trust - so not many people.

You’re a good person. Thank you for your help.


Originally, I was hoping that a certain upcoming Hero would have event around her for Covid awareness.

But again we got the complete opposite with a Mardi Gras Event and “DPS” reveal because DPS is fun.

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LMAO feels bad man, F.