I don’t count apex pubg etc, yeah they are team shooters, but there’s no depth to them - no dedicated roles, no countering, no ult synergies etc.
Actual proper team FPS games?
TF2 maybe
NS2 is amazing but hard to learn
I don’t count apex pubg etc, yeah they are team shooters, but there’s no depth to them - no dedicated roles, no countering, no ult synergies etc.
Actual proper team FPS games?
TF2 maybe
NS2 is amazing but hard to learn
Closest s probably Paladins. The production value is much lower than OW, as is the population, but they have almost twice as many heroes with decent designs, and also have a card and item system to further customize each heroes playstyle. I’ve always thought that if Paladins had the same production value and polish as Overwatch, it would be a massive hit.
Yeah exactly the reason I can’t deal with paladins, it looks nice and there’s a lot of hot characters, but the combat is floaty and unimpactful.
Agreed. And the sound is just terrible as well. Such a shame.
I am honestly rethinking about going back to paladins. At leas there is some meaningful progression in that game.
Gundam Evolution is pretty fun.
Basically the Overwatch formula, but pretty much everything is a DPS with Roles as a subclass.
The only shields are personal shields, and melee stuns disable shields.
Everybody has passive regen, everybody can do an immobile rez, but healers (and weirdly the sniper) can do a mobile rez, and big health packs nearly fullheal tanks.
The only particularly difficult thing is learning how to deal with the Doomfist equivalent, since he can combo kill even the tankiest unit. But you just gotta listen for the charged up hammer, and dodge.
Every mech has an energy bar that can be used for sprinting, dashing and hovering. Some getting more dashes or regen speeds than others.
I go back to play Buck, Furia, and Rukus sometimes. I really like some of their hero designs.
I checked that out but man, it just looks… Really bad. I can’t get over the graphics.
Same as Natural-Selection 2. Amazing game. No other like it. (Literally, there’s no other asymmetrical RTS FPS.) But gosh the age is starting to show.
Ok, have you guys ever played Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare? It looks like a kids game, but it is actually really good. Nobody plays it, but the hero designs in that game are really good too. Production value, combat, and sound are all very decent, but hardly anyone ever mentions it. They have three games, with the last being Battle for Neighborville. It’s cartoony and stupid, but all three are very well made team-shooters, imo.
Try Destiny 2 if you’re into PvE
Seems like OW is heading that direction😅 Everyone is a DPS with sub role abilities
Valorant is pretty fun once you get the hang of it.
No way… I’ll check it out tho.
It looks soooooo sweaty, I had intimate relationships with pixels for all the years I spent playing counter-strike, I really can’t get into the corner-tracking genre again.
Sounds good to me.
Natural Selection will always be one of my favorite team based games.
Make sure to lead your shots. Projectiles have physics. Seems like a no brainer, but it took me awhile to figure out, especially on the full-auto heroes/variants.
With players now no team based FPS games are enjoyable.
I actually really like it, but the learning curve. I get owned every time.
But my number one problem with it is that you have full friendly player collision. It’s really frustrating. In both Overwatch and TF2 friendly player collision is very soft.
It is indeed quite moist.