Constant Orange Network Icons

Santa Monica/Westwood, Los Angeles area. Typically 20-30ms, flawless ping. Last few months have been horrible w/r/t Overwatch. I have the orange multi-square icon (packet loss?) nearly constantly active. Feels like I’m getting 20%+ no-regs, replays show the same thing.

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 756 756 0 0 2 0 0 756 756 3 9 64 10 0 756 756 6 11 67 14 0 756 756 10 15 56 15 0 756 756 11 17 70 17 0 756 756 12 17 62 20 0 756 756 7 14 61 15 0 756 756 9 17 453 15 0 755 755 15 154 1238 65 0 756 756 8 15 92 15 is a server?

Same address:

I ran into some pretty bad network issues when my ISP upgraded everyone’s bandwidth from 100 mbps to 200 mbps.
The fix was to get a modem upgrade.

Your test looks great. You can ignore the ping on the ae1-br01-eqla1.as57976 address because that’s just a protection mechanism. If it was really the response time, it would be matched on all the hops before it as well.

Did you see the orange icons while you ran this test?

Yes, nonstop triple-square icon (packet loss?) and periodic lightning bolt.

Could you take a screenshot of the netgraph in game the next time you’re seeing this? Ctrl+Shift+N to activate it. Then upload the pic to Imgur and provide the link here. It’s weird you would see those icons when the network test looks good.

When I screenshot in-game, I don’t get any HUD. I don’t know if this some Ansel bug or something but I can’t seem to fix it.

I also can’t post links.

imgur image id is: pZV2jA1

Okay, so it seems you normally have a ridiculously good ping that I don’t see that often on the forums. The image just shows your ping bouncing to over 60ms occasionally, but your average is more like 15ms. That ping problem is starting with your ISP’s network hops, so if that’s not normal, you’ll want to reach out to them.

I am still having this problem. I see a orange network icon every 7-20 sec. I am visually seeing periodic player warping. I get lots of no regs.

My client just feels out of sync.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 669 669 0 0 3 0 0 669 669 4 8 17 9 0 669 669 7 11 44 9 0 669 669 10 14 26 16 0 669 669 12 14 29 15 0 669 669 12 17 29 19 1 665 664 7 15 701 12 0 669 669 11 16 72 33 0 669 669 14 209 1196 174 0 669 669 7 15 123 15
No response from host 100 134 0 0 0 0 0

Hey again. Lately, the staff has been recommending these steps when connection issues aren’t showing in the WinMTR despite the icons appearing:

  • Reset the router/modem to factory default.
  • If you have a separate router and modem, try bypassing the router.
  • Let’s try checking for some mitigation settings to see if disabling them will help with the overall connection.
    • QoS (Quality of Service)
    • WMM (Wireless Multimedia)
    • UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)The settings for these can vary from depending on the device model. It’s not something that we help with directly because the settings and locations can vary. The router manufacturer or Internet Service Provider (if the router/modem was provided by them) can help look for these settings.

I am having this exact problem too. Every other game, device etc runs fine. Normally my Latency runs at 45ms and will suddenly jump to over 100 ms when around some one playing on the American servers from Asia. When there are just American based players my Latency is never an issue. This has been a problem now for about a week. My ISP says this is a program issue not an issue on their end. These kind of issues seem to pop up every so often and I wish there was more clarity on the issue from Blizzard about the why this is happening. I have never had such consistent problems with a program.

1 Like

MVPs like myself are not part of the staff, and I don’t think there’s any connection between your latency and your forum posts.

If you’re having issues, please make a new thread with the requested info from the pins.

Its okay! I fixed it… Makes no sense… lost 100mbps in download speeds, but no more latency. Used my TPLINK Range extender and plug an ethernet into my desktop from the extender… no more latency… how does an ethernet directly from the router produce lag but an ethernet connection from a range extender which relies on the wifi from the router, removes latency issues. like that is beyond not making sense.

Hey, UnKoil! With the wireless extender working, I’d assume that there may be a channel, setting, or hardware issue with the router and ethernet ports. It’s hard to say exactly why, but the transmission between wireless and wired works a bit differently and communicates with the network a bit differently. It may help to try resetting the router to default and checking on the channels, but it’s possible that a new router may be required.

The amount of warping I see is INSANE.

On speedtest sites, I have A+ down, up, and bufferbloat. On my router, I use QoS and bandwidth limiters. This is the only game I play with issues.

In game, I ping like ~25ms to west coast servers. My netgraph looks perfectly flat. My FPS is locked at vsync.

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 487 487 0 0 1 0 0 487 487 6 8 16 7 0 487 487 5 10 51 12 0 487 487 10 15 23 18 0 487 487 8 13 20 14 0 487 487 12 17 27 20 0 487 487 12 14 35 13 0 487 487 11 16 71 15 0 483 483 17 305 1605 55 0 487 487 7 14 111 11
No response from host 100 98 0 0 0 0 0

Edit: I’ve noticed that my IND (network interpolation delay) is frequently changing. I thought it was always 20ms but mines jumping to 21, 22, 23. Is this some new change?

Speedtests use servers closest to you and test the maximum speed you can go. But you’re not transferring data similar to game data when you use those sites.

Your WinMTR still looks great and your IND sounds normal.

Why? The staff recommends disabling these “features,” as mentioned above.

If you continue to have issues, you may want to open a ticket and work with staff on this issue. You’ll probably need to use a different app for monitoring your data, but that’s contingent on their suggestions.

I submit a ticket.

Video of icons: i . imgur . com / L8HlAI7.mp4

Video of warping: i . imgur . com / UfeJECw.mp4


Thanks for those videos. When you got that packet loss spike your Packets Per Second In flatlined for some reason. That is - you just stopped processing data packets for a moment. There’s a possibility that this isn’t network related, but something to do with another program or how your hardware is processing things at times.

I’d like to see what the PC is actually doing when this happenGrab hwmonitor and install it. Then, launch hwmonitor and play a game until it has these rubber banding issues for a match. Once that match finishes, check the “max” column of your test for CPU/GPU overheating. If those are getting too hot, clean the PC and take it to a PC tech if that doesn’t fix the overheating - that’d probably mean some of the heat hardware needs maintenance or replacement.

If you don’t see anything, let’s snag some screenshots:

  1. Maximize the HWMonitor window and expand all the nodes on the left
  2. Scroll all the way up
  3. Take a screenshot with the Print Screen (prtscn) key
  4. Open up the program Paint and press ctrl+v to paste in the test
  5. Crop the screen if you want to only show the test, then save it as Test1.JPG
  6. Scroll all the way down, then repeat steps 3-5. Save this as Test2.JPG
  7. Upload them somewhere like imgur and link us to the results. We’ll use those to look for more options.

If you have link errors, copy the code below, then copy/paste your link between two ` marks, it’ll break the link and let you post it. You can just copy paste everything in the box below and replace “Link goes here” with your link.

Link goes here

I did a WinMTR test with my PC directly connected to my cable modem (Arris SB6183). It felt exactly the same as being connected to through my router. I pre-ordered as Arris SB8200 (DOCSIS 3.1) just in-case.

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
142,254,182,129 - 0 680 680 7 8 19 8
agg53,snmncaby01h,socal,rr,com - 0 680 680 8 11 50 10
agg20,lamrcadq01r,socal,rr,com - 0 680 680 10 14 27 13
agg28,lsancarc01r,socal,rr,com - 0 680 680 12 13 26 13
bu-ether16,atlngamq46w-bcr00,tbone,rr,com - 0 680 680 12 17 28 18
66,109,5,135 - 0 680 680 12 17 106 13
66,109,9,161 - 0 680 680 11 16 97 12
ae1-br02-eqla1,as57976,net - 0 679 679 11 79 1770 41
137,221,68,93 - 0 680 680 12 16 120 13
No response from host - 100 138 0 0 0 0 0

HWMonitor screenshot after playing 2 OW games: i . imgur . com / 7WwRn41 . png


That’s an oddly poor connection with a direct line to your modem instead of using your router. If it doesn’t fix the problem after your modem is replaced, I’d check out the ethernet cable as well. It may be the culprit.

How? Isn’t that top row the same as the 2nd row in my normal MTR reports?