Console OW is dead, i give up

You mean that this game is just dead in general? Yeah the way it is people rather play fortnite/PUBG

right there with you. I enjoyed a ton Comp back in the day, but is impossible with the systems in place to climb higher anymore when your scenario is win win lose lose, over and over a cycle, and added to that having a decay on diamond that decays before the 7 days even though it says 7 days but it hasnt been 7 days at all. I still love the game because i love the characters, the different gameplay of each, the world, etc. but this game could do so much more and its just not moving forward anymore.


Pharah on console needs a freaking nerf it’s more than 1 year that she is dominating and limitating the gameplay . And ana needs also more buffs


Unless something is hardware embedded to send feedback directly to Sony/Microsoft of what is plugged into the console, there is nothing they can do at this point. Any form of programming will be contested with claims of false suspensions and bans.

A ban would be contested, but ultimately it’s Blizzard’s choice to ban someone from their servers. Same deal as every game that has banned hackers. They all claim they’re innocent, but they get banned anyway.

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Blizzard and the PC world vs the console world are totally different realms to police. Anything Blizzard does for the consoles formats would have to be approved by Microsoft and Sony. The use of 3rd party hardware has been around since the PS3 and 360 and both keep very quiet about the subject.

Both Sony and Microsoft have said they leave the decision whether to allow it or not in their own game up to the individual third party developers.

Blizzard just wants to pretend they care when they do not. It’s blatant.


What is blatant to the eye is not so blatant in what signal appears on their servers for consoles. The servers are getting console inputs. Not mouse and keyboard inputs.

Honestly, if MS and Sony have went on record saying that, it’s pathetic and a cop out. Blizzard does not develop the consoles nor have a say on what hardware is used on the devices.

Let it burn
Let it burn

They know who is using the Sony and Microsoft stuff. Those companies said this themselves. They send out a signal to let developers know it’s the legitimate, first party deal, and then they can choose to allow that device or not. There is even warnings when buying it that they may not be compatible tor all games.

In addition, many of the people using are obvious, some even flat out confessing it. They could get rid of those. This would drastically reduce the number.

But they won’t because they don’t care.

I’m aware. I just don’t understand how it’s possible when m&kb use is rampant.

all blizz has to do is do the fortnite response.
They responded to this exact issue and it worked well for them.

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Fortnite suffers from same cheat hardware that is used in OverWatch. They can say whatever. The same hardware issue exists.

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It’s a very noticeable minority of people, and it comes up often enough to be annoying, but it’s still the minority.


Same, on PS4 it takes forever to find a group on a non-comp match (qp for example), I’ve had to wait 7-10 min. Pharmercy is broken and so blatantly powerful that you need to play around them and change to Zen and 2 hitscans, but sometimes it just doesn’t work because of Mercy’s ridiculously mobility and her synergy with pharah.

Also I absolutely love the lvl 10 smurf widows that always shoothead me. I mean come on, I just need to see the kill cam to see they’re using mouse and keyboard due to the unnatural aim speed and asd spam.

Exactly. I mean, look at all the other features console players have asked for that Blizzard has yet to provide. Hell it was a long time into OW’s life before consoles even received a report function, so it’s not like Blizzard is rushing to put in console-specific features like a detector for M&KB on console.

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Yup. And report is extremely basic functionality that even most small companies offer for multiplayer games. I was stunned that it did not launch with it.


probably unpopular opinion but overwatch should have never been on console

the game and its mechanics just fits better on pc/mouse and keyboard, things like pharmercy is extremely strong there because of controllers being worse than mouse

how do they even balance aim assist to hitscans ?


At the same time though, it’s also not the job of Sony/MS to handle in-game bans either, so… yeah.

They only handle Console-wide bans, in-game bans are up to Blizzard and Blizzard alone. Sony/MS have no influence on this.

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