Console Lag Issues; Server Problems?

Got on the game this morning (PS5) and was experiencing latency of up to 85ms. Never got below 56ms (usually sits between 48 and 51ms). I checked my wifi and speeds were normal (and router up to date, other devices were fine, etc.). Experienced rubber-banding, shot registration delay, sound effects mismatching with animations, and other common lag-induced oddities. Upon asking teammates - both in VC and Text Chat - all other members were experiencing the same phenomena. Claims held true for three games in a row. Those with stable connections before today were also DC’ing, on both teams. Has this been noticed? If so, when will it be resolved?


I’m also having the same issue. Ps5 user. Console literally sat next to the router. Good download speeds and bandwidths. Checked with internet provider and no issues there end of any identified connection issues.

The last couple of weeks game has become extremely laggy and costing me games. Very frustrating! They need to sort this out asap

Yes same issue here on PS5

It was better today, but still not good. Huge lag spikes every other minute or so. Again both teams were experiencing this, one match member DC’d temporarily, and it is affecting both XBox and PlayStation. This was 3 games in a row (again).

Just an update. I found out what the issue was. It was the control pad. My son has a newer ps5 and I borrowed his controller to see how it played, and it worked perfectly. Tried every guide I could find to resolve whatever the issue was with my pad, hard reset, etc, and tried it wired but it made no difference, so went out and bought a new pad. Problem solved. Crappy solution I know, as you expect these pads to last longer but I couldn’t be arsed sending it off for repairs and getting charged for it, when it would be easier to just buy a new pad the very same day. Hope that helps.

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