[CONSOLE] is anyone getting in?

There have been many posts in the last 24 hours indicating Asia region is stable and easy to get into…but I suspect that was for PC

any console users in asia seeing this thread, please let us know your console type and experience with attempting to get into the game

No. Can’t get in on Xbox at all. Been trying since launch.
But I did get in on pc yesterday. Can’t get in to anything today.

Got in for about 2 hours. Just got kicked out.


Literally just got kicked in the middle of busan … it’s crazy how over 24h later, it’s still not solved.

console type and region?

im on ps5 and in NA and i bought a golden gun and got kicked after i waited two hours.

console type and region?

I’ve been playing the game all day tbh. I’ve only disconnected once. I’m playing on Xbox and I’m in the EU region.

It’s not worth it.

Watchpoint missing
Every OW1 Item missing
Kiriko still locked
Massive massive queue times
Comp still locked for OG players


Xbox series S, EU server

I just got in. NA EST XBoX series X

Na west

20 characters

PS5 NA waited about 10 min to get in now im at 49 queue.

EU Xbox and after several hours of trying, I’ve played quite a bit. Play sessions end with me being kicked in the middle of the game.

Sometimes I have no heroes unlocked, sometimes all of them. Sometimes a mix.

I have no skins from my merged accounts.

wow. experiences are all over the board.

still hoping to hear from someone in the asian region, though I know its overnight there as I type this

Xbox One, I got in for a long time late last night and into the wee hours in the morning (EST), but no luck now. Just BC-153 errors. :frowning:

On my friend list, a lot are in game now tho… only a handful aren’t :frowning:

PS5 in North America. I got on from 1 to 3am PST this morning.

All of my cosmetics transferred over from OW1 but my pre-ordered Watchpoint pack wasn’t showing up.

i was able to get in twice and got to play for a couple hours today, till i got kicked out. then it says “unable to log you in” and each time i click “A” on the title screen the number of players changes everytime. [800,600,500,400 players is what the number ranges from]