Console aim assist needed for crossplay!

Hello all! Id like to say Ive been enjoying playing with my pc friends here lately. I can say I haven’t been able to touch dps due to lack of aim assist and it creates an unfair environment. most crossplay games have aim assist for console players so why does this have to be any other way thanks!


Console player here. I think aim assist actually hurts more than it helps in this game and I have it turned down anyway. This game is rarely about 1v1 shootouts like most other FPS games. It’s usually about team fights and having aim smoothing on when multiple targets are moving across your crosshairs is a real pain, especially on heroes like Tracer where you need to whip around quickly. If anything slows your turning down, like moving your aim across a giant Roadhog, you’re probably going to die.

Aim assist also makes it impossible to do things like shoot projectiles through small gaps because enemies though that gap can move your crosshairs into a wall if they walk across the gap while you’re aiming through it (trying to firestrike spawn doors, spamming a choke with Hanzo/Junk, etc).

I think everyone getting used to no aim assist will unlock our potential in the long run. It’ll just take some getting used to.


yes aim assist must be ON all the time


It helps a lot for hit scan. Im a lucio player and I still like aim assist too, it changes how you play a projectile hero a bit though

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It’s easier to do things like a shoot down a Pharah with aim assist when she’s airborne with no other targets to interfere with your crosshairs. It’s pretty situational, though. I could feel plenty of times where aim assist got me killed even in hitscan shootouts. It’ll depend on things like distance and what else is going on around you.

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Mouse vs Controller is an inherently unfair feature. Everyone playing by the same rules regardless of input is the fairest way to handle it.

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Honestly I play on both PC and PS5 and I agree. I don’t see the reason why it would be off anyway. PC has the advantage is every single way, they have: M&K, better FPS, and probably a better monitor.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t keep it on for quick play, custom games, and Arcade. Every other cross play game keeps aim assist.

I hope people know aim assist isn’t a aim bot, it doesn’t automatically put your reticle on the target you still need to to hover over the target if you want to hit them.

I got rid of the aim assist from launch from the time it pulled my cursor away from someone I was aiming at while another enemy passed in front of it.

You will get used to it being off quickly.

It is only disabled if you go up against pc players, but tbh i dont think console players will willingly wanna play with pc players to begin with, unless their friends are on pc.

I had an experience last night playing on my PC with console players. Both DPS on the team were console. One played Ashe, the other Genji.

I watched as an Ashe took 5 shots at a stationary Ana and missed each one. The Genji missed the majority of his shuriken. Never built dragon blade. No Bob from Ashe. She found t even hit her own dynamite.

The PC dps players made short work of the console dps players. Most engagements typically came down to our dps hitting nothing as a tank I had to peel for our supports. The other tank tried to hold point.

A few friends who play on console all day the same thing, the loss of aim assist really hurts performance.

This needs to happen.

If they were to allow aim assist with Crossplay they need to adjust it because the games aim assist has always been bad. It pulls you to the center of your target which makes headshots harder than it is with aim assist turned off.

That being said Overwatch is currently one of the few fps games with Crossplay that disable aim assist. Games like Apex are doing great with aim assist even in ranked where pc and console players can play together.

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Gyro is also mostly disabled during crossplay with PC for whatever reason. Taking away both gyro (for those of us who use it) and aim assist gives us no reason to ever want to queue with friends on PC.