Congratulations, You fixed your game with this LFG system

This is what was missing from your game. Thank you for this. I just played 6 beautiful comp games with 6 people on mic’s locked into a 2x2x2 comp. It was best two hours I’ve spent on this game since release.


Two HUGE thumbs up…


even qp is enjoyable again


16 characters req


I have to agree.

I took an extended break from this game because of the gaping hole that was any kind of mechanic to empower like minded team players to proactively build teams BEFORE they queued for a match.

This afternoon I logged on for about an hour and played. OMG! Night and day compared to what the experiences were like before. People trying to communicate. People trying to group up (not always - but more people were making the effort) / less trickling. People compromising in spawn BEFORE the match willing to work out the team comp (not always - but more people made the effort).

I don’t expect to win almost every match. That would be dangerously naive. That is not what I was after. But it was never an unreasonable expectation to have a way to find find and play with others who wanted to have good team oriented games.


Nice to see positive posts like this. Cant wait for the weekend to play.


Solo and match making is still the same trash.


I think it’s going to get worse tbh. As people play in groups more and more the throwers are going to be more prevalent in solo queue.

The other worry is if you’re trying to join a group and you don’t have good endorsement levels. People may think you’re a thrower.

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It’s going to be ok. Don’t stress.


I meant for solo queue. Lfg should be great overall.

One weird thing is that you can’t endorse friends. So if I’m with 2 buddies, I’ll just be endorsing the 3 randoms. Unless they’re scummy, of course.

Despite being 1 of the more polite encouraging player you might run into I’ll most likely have low endorsement levels.
Since I’m a 1 trick


And I’m glad that they didn’t force roll queue like everyone wanted :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll probably manage to get negative endorsements for being a one trick

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Yeah this new feature really saves the comp

Am I the only one who’s never had a problem with this game except when I knew it was my fault? This lfg is not gonna do anything except give you an illusion where you think the game is fixed. When your mind settles you’ll find nothing has changed and it’ll all come back down to your own individual input and your team work skills

Interesting point on number of good heroes learned. I’d consider Moira and Lucio my good heroes. But if I select the support category there’s an expectation that I’m a good Mercy player. (my icon likely doesn’t help). But I just find her very hard to use as I’m dependent on the team for movement via GA and is hard to get away when a Doomfist is hunting me down from behind whilst team engaged at front.

I am also terrible at Zen, who is one of the best heroes. But not when I use him…

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Thats why i use Shanghai Dragons for my icon so zero expectations… Cant go worse than 0-40.


Harsh man.

But fair…

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Definitely a good feature. Bravo

The whole point is you don’t need to put yourself through solo-queue and Look For Group. Even losses feel better. Because at least you were communicating, switching, and planning to win.