Congrats, you gatekeeped me till i quit

I started at 2750, rose to 2930 in a few games. then apparently, the “lets give him the worst possible players until he drops out of the rank and quits the game” switch was flipped. why does the system do this to people? dont they want people to continue playing the game?


Welcome to the Project A waiting room like the rest of us who also gave up on this dumpster fire of a competitive mode.


whats project A? who said that the current state of comp is acceptable?

Riot’s new FPS project which appears to be a bit of a mix of Overwatch and Counter-strike.


oh heavens no, my multiplayer spirits has been broken

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Many people on these forums will refuse to believe that this phenomenon exists. It’s not that Blizzard is try to deter players. Quite the opposite. Blizzard elicits gambling like tendencies in order to keep people playing.


I used to not believe in this.

… now, hundreds of hours later… I know for a fact that bliz employs the same tactics casinos use.

They will let you win JUST enough to give you hope.


I just don’t understand why people quit the game then hang around on forums where they’re more likely to be enticed into playing again. It’s just asking for more rage.
I mean a gambling addict wouldn’t hang around a casino if they’re trying to quit?
It just seems common sense to cut out everything related to the cause.


In this age of big data and analytics, you think they will leave this up to chance and hope things will work themselves out? Naive kids…

One game away from season high and once again, out into another bender of losses. Great system…Blizzard is slowly breeding the next generation of hardcore gamblers.


If one has a hobby they dump hundreds of hours into, then quit due to numerous flaws in the game, why would they not read the forums and read the patch notes to keep up to date on it?

Games obviously change over time. There’s no reason they can’t change in a way the flaws disappear.

That should be a sufficient answer.


It’s not casino, it’s not mystery science or rigged system.

System does not count which strategy your team is going to play.
Problem solved. So no, DPS, SUPPORTS or TANKS are not the reason why you lose the match. Whole team is the reason.

I had 2746 now I am down to 2280.


Honestly-some of the people on here seem the ‘react first think second type’ I’m not expecting a mass of common sense.


Yes they do want people to keep playing that’s exactly why they do it

The higher you go the more likely you are to be satisfied. Keeping people down forces them to either continue chasing or reach their breaking point and quit

They are just hoping that people have high tolerance for their nonsense matchmaking and forced losses


A fair presumption.

I stopped playing near the end of season 18. The game itself has a lot of potential. But the incessant restrictions being put into place, under the guise of ‘We’re making the game better!’, make it an undesirable game to play in its current form. Add in Hero Bans? Guh. No thanks.

But I absolutely will keep an ear to the scene. Games change, as I said. Maybe one day, it’ll change in a way I find appealing. Should it do so, I’ll have kept up to date.

If the game really cared what SR it was supposedly “forcing” you to be in, How the hell does it choose YOUR rank?

Like why do you think the game will “stick” you at say 2700 instead of 3100? Or you will be stuck at 1800 instead of 2900? Or even some think they are stuck at freaking 600sr. Like honestly how would the game single out who belongs at 600sr vs someone that belongs at 3200?

Use your freaking brains people the game does not care what rank you are. No one cares what rank you are but you! The game does not employ “gambling techniques” to keep you at any specific rank.

Think about it…every player that says they are stuck is at a different rank? How would that even be possible if the game were enforcing a no ranking up tactic? The game is gatekeeping you at 2700 not 900? Why?

You bounce around a rank border but it must be the games fault? Why?

I am a border rank player. I ping pong around between gold/silver. Its my rank. Its sad to drop out of gold all the time but the game isnt gatekeeping me LOL. Why would it gate keep me at 1800 and not 2800? really?

Its up to YOU to make the most of wins as well as losses. The game could care less if you win or lose.


The matchmaker does not have to be fair and unbiased to produce the results we are seeing, both as the players who can consistantly climb and those who feel it is rigged. I present the following two hypotheses as a more eloquent and believable way of summarizing the complaints:

-MMR is actually the standard deviation from your rank’s average performance, not your position within the ladder as a whole. We know MMR is measured as a standard deviation, but Blizzard has not explicitly stated that it is a single value that is consistant across all ranks.

-Matchmaker will attempt to balance based on MMR in a way such that both teams have equal chance to win.

We know Blizzard keeps an incredible amount of stats. We know your SR gains and losses are largely effected by where they believe you belong. With that in mind, it would be very feasible for MMR to track your performance relative to your rank and create a value for use in handicapping.

Thus, if you have a very low MMR, such as when actively throwing or when playing in a rank much higher than you belong, you make it harder to make a fair match. This will result in either seeing more frequent throwers on the opposing team, or more frequent carry players on your own team, which should push you back toward the median. If you continue to lose these games, you’ll drop hard, but most players will get a bit of a bounce back because their performance will be better in such a game. This is why you don’t straight drop, even if you’re ranked above where you belong.

On the flip side, straight climbing will test you harder by either sandbagging you with players who have relatively low MMR or matching you against smurfs or other overperformers. If you are able to still contribute, you will get reasonable PBSR losses(or pull out some wins) in these circumstances and continue to climb. Your MMR will regress to the mean as the games are harder and your performance is not as outstanding. Then, you start the cycle over. This is why climbing is rarely a straight streak of wins with 70%+ winrate unless you’re truly much better than your rank.

New players should, by reasonable standards, quickly drop to low silver or bronze with 20% winrates just due to lack of awareness on hero interactions, maps, etc. That isn’t what most people experience, and it’s incredibly hard to get a winrate below 25% or above 75% for any reasonable time period.

None of this has been explicitly denied by Blizzard, and you’ll notice that the shills like Xion typically skip over any post that attempts to explain how it could exist, instead choosing to argue with the bottom of the barrel posters that think they are masters players hardstuck in gold. It does not have to be anywhere near as severe as people like to think for it to be a significant reduction in enjoyability and game quality.

There is plenty of reason for a system like this to exist, and components of it are documented in patents owned by Blizzard. It would reduce ladder mobility, but it creates addictive tendencies. You may want to believe game designers have the single intent of creating a fair and balanced game, but the truth is that they are tasked with creating a game that generates revenue. The two goals may overlap at times, but make no mistake, they will give up fairness for cash every time.



you see gatekeeping effect because when your mmr rises, you need to be sandbagged with crappy teammates or matched against enemies with higher mmr to compensate

it is observable to players when the quality of games is so much different from game to game, and while they aren’t technically ‘forced losing streaks’ they can certainly feel like it if you aren’t playing far enough above your rank to flip that kind of game


I guess it’s out of hope that if we make our voices loud enough, Blizz will see that the system they thought would keep players chasing SR forever is exactly what is turning people away.

Casinos aren’t gonna change. But a game like this is making constant changes. I’m just waiting for the day a Developer Update is released and it says something like “changes to the comp system” but instead we get more Replay options.

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I started at 2750, rose to 2930 in a few games. then apparently, the “lets give him the worst possible players until he drops out of the rank and quits the game” switch was flipped.

  1. Did you look at their records? Can you show me players that were “worst possible players”? I assume they’re less than 20% wins.
  2. You’re level 30. 30. I assume an alt account. The matchmaker has no clue what SR you actually are yet. Play until it figures it out before you complain.
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The insinuation in the Seagull/Jeff video is that MMR IS actually your position on the ladder expressed as a standard deviation. As in, all +3s (and above) are GMs (all we explicitly get is that Seagull is a +3, all -3s (and below) are the lowest ranked Bronzes, and 0 is mean (somewhere in mid-Gold).

Anyways, you should check this topic out:

Blizzard has said a lot about matchmaking. Unfortunately, most of it is in the old forums which got nuked, so Kaawumba tried to preserve as much as possible. And also unfortunately, considering the consistent immaturity displayed on the Competitive forums in general, the Devs aren’t going to communicate with this section of the forum specifically.

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