Congrats Blizzard


Assuming she wants to continue main healing… there’s 2. Not 27. Bit of a difference there.


Best advice? Play a new game together.

My wife didn’t play Mercy (never cared for the play style) but she got so fed-up with Blizzard that she finally walked away a few weeks ago. Since I only kept playing to play with her, that was that.

Overwatch and Blizzard as a whole aren’t worth it anymore. Not in Overwatch, HoTS, or even WoW. Shame, as we played their games for a long time. Me since 1994. But, yeah, I’d just move on. There are a ton of game companies and games out there, and even indie developers that make current Blizzard look incompetent.


That’s her choice to restrict herself to that one role and refusing to branch outwards to find enjoyment elsewhere.

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Lying doesn’t get you very far, you know.


Well i think i achived a lot in my live…
But why is this lying tho…

Ah christ he we go again

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Because Mercy’s objectively not fine.


So… how much control do you have over things you like or dislike?

Last I checked most humans don’t really have control over that.

I think objectively she is…
So who is wrong?

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Maybe you should read up on what objective means.

I just did… and now…

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depends on if you’re willing to learn. Many people don’t like heroes that they don’t understand, or they do bad because they don’t understand the kit. So give every hero a shot. A good shot.

I’m just saying. If she wants to restrict herself to 3 heroes, that’s on her.

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I sensed a negative opinion on HotS in this thread and came running

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You know that opinions are subjective.

What is this post even… man I’m too scared to say anything cause I know a bunch of Mercy mains will go off on me :confused:

Yah… then why are you telling me i am lying…


Because it’s not just my opinion that Mercy is not fine, it’s backed up by statistics. To claim otherwise, in the face of irrefutable proof, is lying.

This side argument is going no where fast lmfao

Yeah, I’ll cut it out now.