Confused about SR and why MMR was reset

I have been playing this game since season 1 and my average rank on comp has been around low diamond. My low diamond average all the way till season fifteen where I left overwatch to play another game. I came back for this season (22) and I decided to play my ten placements for open queue first. I placed high diamond (which prob is overestimating me in all honestly). But then I go into role queue with a friend who has queued role queue before. We both queued dps. We played through all five games together in a row. We mostly played against diamond and masters players and I was doing pretty well in my opinion making plays and having medals. Unfortunately, we lost 3 out of the 5 games. At the end of all of this I was placed mid to low gold while my friend was placed high plat. I have no idea how that happened. Now all of my comp games take over ten minutes to queue for since everyone in low ranks want to play dps, and comp isn’t fun bc I just roll the other team bc I’m not at the rank I should be. Every time I win a game I also only get like 25 sr. Climbing back to where I should be is boring and the queue takes ten minutes so I get really discouraged to continue. I’ve been told that maybe my mmr was reset and the placements only cared about my wins and loses. I do not know at all. If anyone knows how placement matches work at all and how they place you I would love to know bc honestly I just want an explanation bc it has soured comp for me.


competitive is rigged. bottom line.

lol, no it’s not.

You just have to win more than you lose.

That’s on you.


nah, its rigged. ive got 1,700 hours on the game.

Also, I have a few THOUSAND hours logged in World of Warcraft, as both a Guild OWNER and player. from the days of the precious “cash cow” they owned. Trust me. Smells fishy and has been proven more than once by people online.

Overall. anyone here can enjoy the game. The artists from this company are amazing and their concepts will always beat out most other company’s.

:smiley: + :+1:

The OP isn’t complaining about the game being rigged against him.

He’s complaining that he’s crushing enemy teams which makes it boring. He’s essentialy smurfing without meaning to because they system placed him 1k SR too low.

The MMR reset was for Open Queue, which means Open Queue places you on your performance for this season while Role Queue places you based on MMR + SR history that the system has for you. Because you stopped playing, your MMR decayed and that’s why you ended up gold. It’s a faulty system for sure, but if you win over and over again, your MMR will jump very quickly and your SR will start skyrocketing per win.

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You’re responding to the wrong guy about the rigged stuff, he was responding to the first guy who claimed it was.

Kinda sad that you have that much time sunk and still think it’s rigged. Maybe you should go play something else then if you have such a negative view of it.


Yeah I do not think the system is rigged against me just that it’s faulty. Thanks for the advice I’ll keep at it

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Sad, you are telling me supporting this company is sad?

Well, i mean. yes it is sad that other companies CANNOT beat blizzard for size, caliber and design. Hey, trying to be mean here, just doesn’t fly.

Agreed, but it is rigged and unless you can prove me wrong. IN a 20 page document that supports otherwise. I do not agree with your statements and peaceably rest my case until further notice. and no. I wont site my sources. Because you are the one that disagrees with ME.

Prove me wrong :+1: :smiley:

Not how that works dude. Come with your own evidence besides “lol rigged” and maybe we’ll talk. You came in with an argument on a post that was completely unrelated to it, prove yourself first.

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Sure it is. We are two people online not having an agreement. I’ve played their games and more than just one. I’ve conducted my fair share of tests in my own environments and if I were to post them in chat…

Blizzard would pull the post down. it is their right to do so, as it would be damaging to the company (and I don’t want that either). So you are going to have to take what I have to say for “face value”.

The system is rigged. I digress.

:smiley: :+1:

And I repeat again, either prove it or I won’t believe you. I do not know you and have to reason to take your word over anyone else.


I will say I give you some credit at least that you seem to like Blizzard and still want the best for them if possible. I see too many people here trying to play HR manager and hire/fire anyone they don’t like from the dev team.

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If you don’t play for a while you get a soft reset on your MMR/SR. It still takes it into account but adjusts rapidly based on your performance. The next 10 to 15 games after you place it will give bigger gains/losses. If you are only getting 25SR then it is likely you are either at the SR you belong or will drop a bit further. 25SR does not correspond to someone rolling the opposition. Sounds like your friend is carrying you. Try solo queue and see what your SR gain/losses are.

You have been gone for seven seasons and people have got a lot better since then while you have stagnated or gotten rusty. That is why they do a soft reset on SR/MMR when you don’t play for a while.


Hear me out, maybe… you just may be at your true skill rank.

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If you stop playing for a while, your sr becomes more volatile as your mmr is more unknown. Hence why placements have a bigger impact. Also, you clearly left the game for a while which would imply a lower sr, even if you haven’t improved the average skill of the playerbase is always improving>

Finally and most importantly, you played before role queue. You say you were low diamond, what role was that on mostly? Because you might play tank or support and end up placing much higher than on DPS.

As for the open queue thing, it gives players a huge SR boost. I’ve seen golds placing masters in the system and it really sucks because its entirely dependant on placements wins similar to a new account. Also the highest ranked players tend to not play the gamemode, so in a bell curve fashion the rest of the playerbase is spread out to the highest ranks creating this artificial sr boost.

I think the afk volatility was done just to make it so that very high ranked players who come back after a long time don’t throw high elo games with multiple t500’s in them. As I think xQc (might be someone else) put it, nothing is competitive about me coming back to the game after “x” months, losing 10 games in a row and getting placed Gm.

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