[Confirmed] Dev team actively diverted resources to OWL

The existing issues are what cause the meta?

Didn’t you read the OP? It just said they took dev resources out of the actual game and into the OWL. IDK Who is wrong you’re not making sense?


I don’t care what happens to the meta if the issues get fixed basically.

Good developers have not to make such choices. Because good developers have different departments for different stuff.
Blizzard has tons of resources, but it looks like they don’t have a proper workflow pipeline and good organisation.
I wish Blizz work like Riot Games.


Sorry, my initial statement is a bit confusing. I was saying right from the beginning the OWL was taking dev time and resources ever since it began, but a majority didn’t believe me

My post was mainly venting and “I told you so” kind of deal :sweat_drops:


The meta highlights issues which allows the balance team to more quickly fix balance issues.

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They just want to feel like they’re right, so they hyper-focus on the part that makes them seem like they were correct, but dismiss the stuff that would refute their opinion. It’s pure confirmation bias at its best.

I thought that what he was saying was that they had to do that in the beginning, but eventually stopped having to do that. That was how I took it anyway. I mean, sure, I guess this means it happened at some point though, but I just think people like to use OWL (and the pro players in general) as a scapegoat.



We warned you all!

The diversion of resources manpower and focus have been shifted and you all have been warneeeeddda

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It’s highly I likely Widowmaker would have gotten nerfed last patch if OWL hadn’t made her OPness so obvious for example.

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My only point was to point out and disprove the tons of folks who kept insisting that OW and OWL had separate teams and no dev resources were diverted to the OWL.

That’s it.

It does seem like now that OWL is more self-sustainable, they have their own artists/coders/designers working exclusively for the League, as opposed to borrowing from Team 4. We’re not sure either way.

Just think of how much sooner (if at all) the LFG/endorsement systems would’ve been developed and implemented if they did not divert resources to the OWL.

Would those have come out 3 months earlier? 1 month? 2 weeks? No change at all? We don’t know. But you can see how that would rub folks who don’t care about OWL the wrong way, ESPECIALLY after Jeff came out and literally said that the reason they didn’t have time to work on new features like heroes and maps was because of the extra time they had to take to work on “player toxicity”. Nowhere did he mention the resources spent on OWL, which delayed work on other features.


I wouldn’t call the hook nerf that much of a nerf and my question still stands anyways, “Quickly?”

If their fastest was the Widow nerf then I don’t want to see slow. Actually I already am.


Removes straight jacket off Ghost Pants

You’re free now


Its a joke. The whole thing is a joke. The game was in such a good state before OWL started. It had its problems, but now these problems are taking longer to fix.

If this crappy event has been any indication, they clearly care more about their cashcow than making a meaningful game anymore.


Art team can’t really help with bugs, gameplay testing.


Well I’ll eat my own words. I did support the notion that teams were separate.

That’s quite shifty, thanks for shedding light on the issue.

I’m actually kind of hurt. I don’t have a problem biting the bullet and admitting I was wrong, but honestly how did they think that was going to sit with the community? I’m disappointed man.


They never said they canceled the buffs. They said they’re reevaluating the buffs.

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Dev resources aren’t the art team though.

I’m confused, what is your comment supposed to mean?

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Well from the sound of it, art team resources were used for branding, and skins, and UI.

Some engineers were probably tasked with the camera work though.


It specifically said dev resources, devs aren’t the art team or the engineers.