Conection issues, packet loss, high ping

Hello! I used WinMTR to check my connection since ive been noticing unusual high ping to the overwatch servers and this is the result. Please tell me if I did it incorrectly. Help me pls! thx
| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 312 312 0 0 10 0 - 0 312 312 1 6 114 7 - 3 281 273 1 1 15 1 - 17 190 159 2 2 22 2
No response from host - 100 62 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 312 312 1 2 19 2 - 1 300 297 2 3 31 2 - 0 312 312 2 5 26 7 - 1 308 307 4 5 31 5
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

This test doesn’t look like it was run to an Overwatch server IP in NA or OCE, or it didn’t finish the process. The last line should be the Overwatch IP.

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My bad, I was trying to use the Brazilian server since I’m from South America (Chile), but for some reason that ip doesn’t work on winmtr. I tried using a different ip, the NA one and that one actually worked, so heres the result
| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 386 386 0 0 11 0 - 0 386 386 1 4 123 1 - 3 355 347 1 1 23 1 - 26 190 141 0 2 14 2
No response from host - 100 77 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 386 386 1 2 20 2 - 0 386 386 2 2 19 3
bdr01.scl.ixmetro. com - 34 165 109 104 106 158 104
No response from host - 100 77 0 0 0 0 0
ae1-br01-eqmi2.as57976. net - 0 386 386 135 136 209 135
xe-0-0-0-1-br01-eqat1.as57976. net - 0 386 386 134 142 1643 135
et-0-0-4-br02-eqch2.as57976. net - 0 386 386 134 153 751 134
et-0-0-1-pe02-evch1.as57976. net - 0 386 386 134 135 155 135 - 0 386 386 134 135 153 135 - 0 386 386 135 135 153 136
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Ah, it’s likely an IPv6 route, so you would need to use PingPlotter to test that route.

In the test to Chicago there’s a bit more lag due to being so far away, so it’s not very helpful for diagnosing an issue on another continent.

I understand, already tested the Brazilian server IP in pingplotter but i don’t know how to include the info since it’s not a text format but a png file, heres the modified url so it allows me to post it, thx! https:// share

The connection to that server looks okay, unless the issue didn’t happen during the test. If you’re seeing high ping it can also be related to hardware delays.

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