There is a load of bugs as well in these new forums. Like replying to the last post specifically doesn’t show the original post. Like it would with other posts. Edit: As you can see above me. Responded to @linkdude240 and it doesn’t show the little respond thing.
There is also a bug with threads that you pin becoming unpinned for no reason. Makes it very annoying when there are useful ones like the New Forum FAQ thread.
Once a thread gets “hot” enough a mod will lock it for few hours, which is essentially silencing any kind of discussion that mods don’t like to be discussed
In old forums dev posts didn’t have upvote/downvote buttons, now they got “like” buttons but are too afraid to allow flagging (in current terms “disliking”) their posts, it seems blizzard have a very strong stance on negative feedback directed at them.
So this must be new because I cross-threadquote all the time (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) but now when you expand a partial quote it puts this GROSS orange highlight around the partially quoted post that is a huge eye strainer.
That one is a strange design decision, but I feel (personally) that there ahould be a second button called “Permapin”, because some things you want permanently to show up at the Top of the General Discussion main page and some things you don’t (not just one or the other for everything) but that’s just me maybe.