Comprehensive list of Forum issues

  • Many advertised features were left out

  • Bug reporting is now slightly less efficient because they can’t post videos on how to replicate said bugs on the forums.

  • With the removal of downvotes the community has taken to flagging what they don’t agree with, which is worse than downvoting because it silences the poster, preventing them from giving their other POV. Which is the opposite effect of the removal of downvotes. (THANK YOU MODS)

  • @Name function is not functioning

  • profile pics now require logging out and in to update.

  • unable to view game profile on mobile

  • Below details the many bugs that exist within the Forum’s coding, most if not all were fixed.


You were suspended for a D.Va lore post? That doesn’t seem right.

I think for now though, to speak to the bulk of your post we can only just hunker down for now and see who, if anyone, in the coming months gets privilages.


From what I can guess, there should be at least one person able to use images or at least link.

Said person is RichC.

I can’t even edit the gif reply I posted in my PSA post because images arn’t allowed to be inside posts anymore. So I think we got lucky.


You can’t fullquote with the image in there. But you can partial quote and people can hit the expand quote button to see the image that way.

Just thoughts.

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This ought to be interesting… any examples on the forums now? I’d love to see them.

Also could you explain how to partial quote? You only explained how to Fullquote in the PSA Thread.

You highlight the text from the post you want to quote and a dialog comes up on the website labeled “Quote” and you click it.

Expand this post:

Further explaination on my New Forum FAQ page

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Thanks, I’ll give it a shot, but I don’t think I can insert any new images into the system yet.

Also I know about quiting certain sections of a post, I just thought partial wuoting was a new coding term to allow expansion/contraction of text blocks not unlike the detaiks stuff.

Linking to other threads on the forums could be a nice to have, though it may promote necroing? At least you can quote choice posts from other threads, but more context can be useful at times.


idk i think the trust system exists. seems like Jamster can post links?

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Can you link us to the thread where it exists?

Also if it does exist?

Expand the above quote to have your mind blown. Ignore the bottom text, It won’t allow me to edit it anymore.

yeah i saw that post you did hahaha gratz
also here
h ttps://

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Whelp I probably can’t do it because of Flag abuse. @Linkdude420 can you do it?

flag abuse? :open_mouth:

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Not supposed to talk about it, I’ve risked enough typing the thing into my personal gripe section in the main post.

oh i was just clarifying if you got flagged. if so how do you check if you got flagged?


I got emailed about it after enough flags were collected and the suspension went through.

Not gonna say anymore, risked enough.

you got suspended for that post? what?

you might’ve hit the nail on the head, then!

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I see thank you. I thought you could check if you got flagged even just once. thanks for clarifying that.

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If I did I would’ve gotten a connendation.

Or at the very least a cortana-eqsue skin for

I asked the support why it just said it recived enough flags and the team checking the posts agreed with the flags that it was either troll or spamming.

  • it was not a troll
  • as far as I know I was the first one to post it.
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And frankly, since when have ‘lore’ posts been troll posts?

I don’t know. I personally really enjoyed the thread. It was genuinely interesting v. all the ‘nerf my counter’ threads, so…

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