The problem with LFG is that it’s 6 random people who have no experience with each other potentially facing a 6 stack that’s working with each other repeatedly. There’s no reason to have an LFG for Comp, every Comp game is basically already random people, and the matchmaker can make it even. Also, there’s no guarantee that LFG makes a 6 stack, so if I as a solo queue get put into the game with that 5 stack because someone left their group, the outcome is much more difficult for the matchmaker to make things correct.
Groups basically suck for the matchmaker. I don’t think group activity should impact individual SR, and groups should not be mixed with solo queues. In HOTS, there was either solo queue, or team queue. Team Size - 1 size teams were not allowed because there were no individuals to fill. You could do 2, 3, or 5 (because teams are 5).
The only reason I’m advocating for Open Queue to be allowed to keep groups is so that the option to play comp with friends doesn’t disappear. Also, when you’re playing with friends, the role lock is less beneficial.
From: How Competitive Matchmaking and Ranking Works (Season 28+) - #2 by Cuthbert-11649
In Kaawumba’s guide, he basically highlights the logic I’m speaking of. Poor synergy groups (AKA all LFG groups) suffer a penalty by grouping for Comp. They are taking a random group of people and matching them against groups of a similar size, which could also be LFG people, but also could be a 6-stack of a team that is scrimming in comp. The LFG group is actually lowering their chances to win by grouping.
In summary:
Either Solo Queue OR Group with Friends for Comp. LFG doesn’t help Comp at all, it can only make it worse.
Ideal Situation: Solo Queue and Team Queue (no solo) as separate things. No reason to have Role Queue in Team Queue, so Open Queue makes sense.