Competitive Suggestion (Actually Good)

Overwatch competitive is one of the most broken things in this game, and here’s why.

Players that deserve higher ranks can’t progress further in comp due to teams holding them back or running up against smurfs, so here is my proposal.

Overwatch needs to implement a floating placement system where after every 10 games your SR could go up or down big time depending on how well you played compared to other people in your rank. This will prevent smurfs boosting other players up and players getting carried by pure luck. This simple rework on comp could fix Overwatch competitive and allow for Overwatch’s report team to work on more pressing issues than boosting accounts as after 10 games, the boosting account will be placed at a more accurate level of competitive.

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no, we only want to pay attention to wins and losses.

but there could be a way to see how your opponents did in future games to change your rank

Thats the thing, if they add a floating placement system, people who want to see win loss can while those who don’t could easily decide to turn off/on the win/loss bar in options

Your title lied to me.


How so? If you come across a smurf(s) in overwatch that is better than your team, you wouldn’t think so. Unless of course you are one of the said people who create smurfs just to ruin competitive for everyone else.

I am not going to argue against there being issues with OW comp mode but one thing it does extremely well is getting players to the SR they should be at.

Also 10 games is nothing - some days you can literally be on fire for a whole gaming session. That doesn’t mean that you should be bumped up 500 or 1000 or however many SR “big time” is.

Your concept is much like league of legends ranking where you have your placement matches to rank up in each division.
I have an idea on how to make Comp better too

Ok 1, don’t forum hijack other people. 2, your idea would kill off comp entirely. People who are locked in a team would hate it if, just say, majority of their team quits overwatch or main players get temp/perm banned. Comp queues would take hours which will kill off overwatch.

I am not saying bump it 500 or 1000, I am just saying if the player is performing well with his/her teams based on situation then they would gain or lose SR based on how their games went. You will still gain SR from wins and lose on loss but this system will kill off the smurf and booster population. On another page I posted I had someone mention how people could just avoid comp after the 9th game, to which I replied "If they stopped after 9 games then the system did its job still. That smurf will be locked out of their account in comp to avoid gaining major sr. You won’t gain 500 free sr to spend but will place you in a higher place in comp to make it more fair.
Smurfs/boosters will be non existent at this point as their friends would get dropped out of the carried tier. Besides, how many streamers quit overwatch due to players throwing games, those throwers will be dropped out of tier while the players continue to grow.

Your team is picked from the same pool of players at the same SR range as the other team.

Providing value is how you win games. You may be more gifted at aiming or positioning than people in your SR, but that means nothing in a loss. And it shouldn’t!

You may be able to one-clip their zen as Tracer, but if your team needs shields, heals, or peel you might lose. There’s a lot more that goes into the game than stats. At the end of the day, the one and only thing that matters is winning/losing.

The game is objective-based and stats need context. Sometimes trading lives is advantageous and sometimes you are feeding. The only true way to judge is the result of the game.

Just trying to add to the topic without having to type it all out again.
Forums are a place for sharing ideas, thank you for your feedback.
But I don’t see how my idea would kill comp completely you would still have normal queue if you wanted to do that.
As for the queue times just run it for a week or two in the off-season, that way it’s only for a short period and if you get banned during that time who cares you’re a tool and deserve to miss out.

You’re proposing a ranking system where an individual’s performance determines their skill rating? Preposterous! It’s much more accurate to base it only on win/loss. Everyone knows that other people’s performance is a much better measure of your skill. Having your SR based on being carried by a smurf or tanked by a thrower is the most accurate method. It must be true. All the White Knights say so!

You’re idea is very similar to one I had, but I thought every game’s SR change should be based on your performance. If someone is carried, then they would gain very little or maybe even lose SR even if their team won. The opposite if they played well.

I wish Blizz would listen to you and base Skill Rating on a player’s actual skill instead of that of their teammates.

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I understand the game is objective-based and winning is the only that that matters but you must have read the proposal wrong. I am not after how the game is designed, I am just after how the game gives sr out to the players. If you deserve to be in said rank you would get basic sr gain/loss. If you are preforming way better than your team you would get forced into a higher sr pool than your friends. If you are carried and/or sell your account, the sr gain could be nullified by dropping your actual rank lower. You won’t gain spendable sr just be put at a higher rank after every 10 matches. No more smurfs, simple.

With PBSR below Diamond you already climb at different rates than your teammates. The reason this was removed from high SR is because things are more complex than stats can accurately portray.

A game where you play against a roadhog/Orissa/Dva triple tank may give you drastically higher accuracy/damage than a game against single tank Rein. There’s so many variables and factors that the only fair way to do it is to just go by win/loss.