Me and my boyfriend completed our fifth game to rank up in competitive- he was diamond 4 and I was gold 4. We won the game, and I got excited when it said my rank went from 4 to 1- until I realized that for some reason, it said I had been silver 4 and I had been moved to silver 1. My boyfriend, likewise, had gone from diamond 4 to plat 1. Prior to our fifth winning game, it still said my rank was gold 4. It had not changed until after we won that game. This was obviously very demotivating because I’ve been working hard to try and rank up, and to have that stripped away and to be plunged back to silver sucks, and honestly makes me not want to play the game at all anymore.
Just because you won 5 games does not mean you automatically rank up.
Depending on how many losses you had between your wins and your performance you can derank after 5 wins as well.
If it was as simple as win 5 games and rank up every single time then everyone could theoretically get to GM.
That’s not the problem this happened to me I was gold 5 and won all my open queue games with high stats. I was excited to see my rank go up but when I got reranked it said my old rank was silver 5 and now I’m silver 2 even though my actual old rank was gold 5 like the original post said its demotivating
Same thing happened to me now went from platinum 4 to gold 5 ranking up on gold 4
I am aware that winning five games is not an automatic rank up. I’ve had plenty of times where after the fifth game my rank has stayed the same or gone down.
This was not the same. There is absolutely no world in which this was a normal occurrence. The last time I ranked, I went from gold 3 to 4. Yes, we lost games before the five wins I mentioned. Everyone does. But it was not enough losses, or a poor enough showing on either of our parts, to qualify us dropping an entire massive rank, from one rank tiers level 4 to the rank tier below ours.
It was not normal. If I had just dropped ranks, yeah it’d be sus because as I said we haven’t lost that many games, especially not since my last rank up. But it wasn’t just that. When I got my new rank, it literally said my base rank had been silver 4, and I was then promoted up to silver 1. The same thing happened with my boyfriend from diamond to plat. I am not complaining about not ranking up. I’m complaining because this is a massive, demoralizing bug, and it sucks.
Ok, it seemed like you were just expecting to rank up because you won 5 games from your original post.
Keep in mind that going from gold 4 to silver 1 is pretty much the same as going from gold 2 to gold 4. You dropped 2 tiers that happened to intersect with a drop in rank.
This is however a visual bug. For some reason instead of going directly from gold 4 to silver 1 it decrease you rank first and then adjust the tier.
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s a ton of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. If you can, could you record your bugged rank adjustment, making sure that at some point in the video it shows your pre-adjustment rank, either from the queue menu or the career profile, and link that video to the thread? Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.