Competitive Ranking System

(Posting again since its removal)
‎Ranking up feels more like casually leveling up a general account level such as the one we’ve had in OW 1 that is now obsolete (which I wish they’d revive). Even after this recent competitive update, I think players should still be able to rank up a lot faster and easier. It doesn’t feel like much has changed, even after going on a few winning streaks as well as performing well consistently.

A game that I can say demonstrated this well was Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. We had to play our 5 placement matches every season (you could play more while awaiting placement) then you’d be given your rank. But the best part of their ranking system is that you could jump from a rank to another no matter what tier of your current rank you’re on (mid-tier silver to mid-tier gold). It felt like a well-earned reward every time.

For the first 5 ranks from bronze to diamond, players should earn more points and ranking up shouldn’t feel like a hassle. And if there should be a parameter, I would just suggest it be implemented gradually based on our ranks. Like advancement being more difficult for those who are in Master and up than below. This, in tandem with adopting Black Ops 2’s rank leaps will give a tremendous amount of players a sense of achievement, especially our strongarm, hard-stuck warriors.

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