My Current and Season High ranks are not showing up in my career profile. This has been the case since the start of the season. All it shows are the two hyphens as if I still haven’t got a rank.
An easy fix is to play 1 game of open queue. Or, if you really don’t like open queue you can just load in, play for <1 minute and leave. As long as it tracks some open queue progress it’ll be fixed
I have the same problem. Also, match statistics do not work correctly. The statistic is always displayed for the whole time
Thank you for the replies. Unfortunately I played one whole game and a half of open queue and my ranks didn’t show up. I restarted the game, even did a scan and repair - still nothing. And yea I also got that problem with the statistics
Yes, same issue for me.
How strange. One game of Open Queue Competitive fixed this bug for me too. However, I’m still documenting this bug in my post: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word would be appreciated.
Playing one game of open queue sort of fixed it for me as well. When role queue is selected from the dropdown, the table is not populated, but when all roles is selected is shows my role queue rank. This seems like is should be a pretty straightforward fix.
One open queue game fixed my problem.
Open queue, role queue, wins, losses it doesn’t matter what I do - nothing fixes my issue… This is starting to piss me off.