I have been playing completive for a while now and the climb was some what steady from bronze 1 to where I am now, which is gold 3. I have been stuck in gold 3 for the past 4 rank ups. I would paly my usual games and win some and lose some but still stay in gold 3. I play and win 5, still gold 3. Play and win 5, still gold 3. And like that 4 times. My friends that play with me keep ranking up more and more and I’m not moving and it cant be because of the games because we win and lose together. I don’t know what to do it is just broken and not fair. Please help
winning 5 games does not guarantee a rank up (only if u won 5 in a row with 0 or couple losses)
Me too man, i have the same problemi!
The 5 win 15 loss system doesn’t preventing your true rank from changing it just prevents you from being able to see it changing. Assuming your win-loss ratio is exactly 1, your rank shouldn’t change. Rank adjustment is purely based on wins and losses and not individual performance so if you are winning more than you are losing, then you should climb ranks and vice versa. You might also be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.
I have been playing comp ever since season 1 and I have never ranked up from bronze and I win more games than I lose
I have been playing exclusively with a friend who is platinum and I am gold.
I understand the rank review every 5 wins or 15 games logic, but in the last rank update, he has ranked up from platinum 4 to platinum 3, while I have not moved from gold 5.
This makes no sense to me if the only logic Blizzard is going to explain to us is this 5win or 15game review.
On top of that, the message I get with my gold 5 rank review is that I am better than 99% of the players on the same section. This feels like blizzard is telling me I could rank up but they won’t let me lol.
It is very frustrating, I would like to reach my friend’s rank so we are matched with similar rank players but this seems impossible.
I wish Blizzard came up with a more clear explanation on applying rank updates.
I’m having the same problem!
Last rank up I win 5 times and got 2 losses, which means I would rank up a least 1+ but my rank didn’t change. The same happened in like 20 games before that. Usually I win more than I loss and yet my rank with support didn’t change a bit.
I won 5 games with 1 loss and im still the same rank
Since season 3 of ranked I have stayed in bronze 5 and I am still stuck there now regardless of my win/loss ratio. What can I do at this point?