Competitive rank bug

I was gold 2 support and got my 5th win today and when it showed my rank b4 changing it said silver 2 instead of gold 2 then ranked me up to silver 1. I was gold 2 prior to the match and it just randomly changed to silver 2 before the system moved me to silver 1 causing my friends to not be able to play the roles they wanted since my rank bugged and changed…

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same issue here. i was plat 5 and when i ranked up it showed me going from gold 5 to gold 3, then i relogged and it was showed gold 2. i heard it was a visual bug but i just ranked up again and it promoted me from gold 2 to gold 1.

after googling the issue i have found reports of this same issue going back to late last year. this is a joke that blizzard hasn’t fixed this already. I don’t like grinding my a$$ off to get to plat just to be demoted an entire rank because their system is bugged. pathetic @blizzard

i checked right after and on overbuff stat tracker it showed me as plat 5 a few hours before that rank up. it has not been able to fetch an updated ranking since then, which was about 2 days ago.

Linking my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.

This has happened to me not once but twice now. Both times i was Gold 4, completed my matches and then it showed Silver 4 to Silver 1. Ranking up feels undoable with this issue and its frustrating having to grind again just to get the same bug…

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