Competitive Quiters

I’m tired of doing a competitive game and someone leaves I get penalized for it. Really blizzard? I think if one person quits no matter how far into the game that the game should stop period! Just penalize the one who leaves. I have lost so much sr because of others quitting. Stop!!!


Yeah but the issue is, on console, the leavers get a special treathment, and the people who stay and lose 4vs6 etc, they are the one’s being punished…

The threathment … i call it VIP…on console, if u get a ban, becuz u left too many games, u can make a free account in less then 5 min, and get welcomed back in competitive as soon as they reach level 25 to do the exact same thing where they got banned for in the first place, and from there its rinse and repeat…

Its terrible on console for that reason, sadly in all my games people leave… im actually in shock when it doesnt happen in a game, so that should say enough…

But long story short, they wont fix this problem, the people who stay are the one’s who gets punished… Ive been in a game alone, against 6 people after round one, lost 60SR for that… Guess it was my fault i couldnt solo that lol… its bad, so just get used to it sadly :frowning:

That’s never going to happen, Because People will create accounts (or have friends create accounts) to be the “leave account” if they feel like they arent going to win.

This isn’t special treatment, This has to do with sony / xbox , report the accounts (not just in the overwatch app , their actual Sony or Xbox account)

It is tho, they can add a code per account, or something like that… Like u buy/download the game and u need to add that code u get after downloading… Or that u dont have to buy the game again, but only a code to make a new account… Problem solved… But they dont seem to care and find a solution for that…

Yeah console players who are leavers typically dont care about penalties. I feel like the only way for them to learn is if they got a 48 hr suspension from all game modes with the exception of cusom games.

Still doesn’t solve the part where they make a new account, and blam. They’re good to go again.

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There’s already a solution to leavers in Comp that exists in other modes in the game - backfill.

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